Nintendo Press Conference - About 19.15 This Evening

~J~ said:
Do you realise what we've just seen?

Nintendo have just dominated the parents. Kids will be able to keep fit in the safety of their houses without having to risk going out and getting mugged, raped, killed, etc.

Dexterity and skill is based on your own abilities not how quick your hands and fingers are.

It's incredible!

Can't come fast enough tbh, I need to shed a few pounds :)
well that presentation was great, much better than the dismal and depressing Sony one. Now where can i put in for my Pre-order to sit alongside my 360
Gotta admit, im fairly impressed with it. The controller really does seem like a great design with the motion censors n all. Wont be buying one though as none of the games appeal to me at all.

Didnt think graphics were overally impressive but its obvious that thats not the aim with this console.
Yeh I will be buying one although the graphics look o.k, I think most of thee xbox360 owners will pick one up because its a completly different system.

Go Wii
ill be getting this console because it is soo different to anything before it.

Also it will get the whole family involved, i wont feel so bad about the purchase then.
dazsly said:
Yeh I will be buying one although the graphics look o.k, I think most of thee xbox360 owners will pick one up because its a completly different system.

Go Wii

Well you have to look at it this way, the majority of gamers will probably still only be able to have 2 out of the 3 consoles at the end of the year (if sony make it) and the majority of 360 owners will likely pick up a Wii as it'll be cheaper than the PS3 and very different. Not that it makes one whit of difference, Sony will stick pick up the "Oooh playstation" market.
Anders0n said:
Gotta admit, im fairly impressed with it. The controller really does seem like a great design with the motion censors n all. Wont be buying one though as none of the games appeal to me at all.

Didnt think graphics were overally impressive but its obvious that thats not the aim with this console.

The HD stream shows the graphics in better light, and much better light ;)
Phew, glad i didn't have any problems! Got in at about 5:50 and watched most of it, the important bits, i'm speechless with it all.

I've never bought a console at launch, that will change with the Wii.

I think Nintendo just owned E3.
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