Nintendo Press Conference - About 19.15 This Evening

Amazing how you all lick microsoft and nintendo's a***s, yet **** everything to do with sony. Also, anyone who makes a positive comment about sony's doing get labled a sony fanboy? :confused:
Anders0n said:
Amazing how you all lick microsoft and nintendo's a***s, yet **** everything to do with sony. Also, anyone who makes a positive comment about sony's doing get labled a sony fanboy? :confused:
Take it to another thread please :)
No need to derail this one with another discussion.
Anders0n said:
Amazing how you all lick microsoft and nintendo's a***s, yet **** everything to do with sony. Also, anyone who makes a positive comment about sony's doing get labled a sony fanboy? :confused:

I sense a bit of insecurity there. Go back to your thread please and leave us to enjoy ourselves.
love the depth of sound idea

Can be used in a number of interesting ways im sure, cant wait to see what the developers do with it

buying a wiii on launch... after what 30 mins of there conference? ;)
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