No AHCI Mode ! , Quick respond!

That's great aslong as it works even without ACHI i'll be pleased , gotta be better than my hard drive... I can't even find my hard drive and it's specs! lol

Hitachi DeskStar P7K500 500 GB SATA Hard Drive

Read speed of just under 82MB/s
An 18.7 ms average access time

wow that's poor :eek::eek:
This is my current drive :D

damn bad new, for me too since i do have a nvidia and i was about to buy a SSD today, lucky,i read this post

Why? , what's the problem i read it too... It's still a HUGE improvement over a fast hard drive!. You're going to notice a difference , if you stick with the standard windows drivers TRIM works!. AHCI however doesn't but atleast when you do upgrade you have the AHCI option anyway.

I've been reading up on it all evening and the buy is totaly recommended
Personally I would just stick with IDE mode... I'm stuck with it myself since I've got ICH7 with no AHCI mode... and it's still blazing fast compared to waiting for that HDD read/write head to move into position every 10 milliseconds.

AHCI is a subset of RAID so if you have a RAID option, you can probably use that and just not put any drives into a RAID array and you'll be using AHCI.

heh , first i've heard of this as i have a RAID and NON-RAID option in my bios

Any links to back this up? :D
Hmmm having some issues on a completely new windows 7 install

Tried to turn off indexing and it says

" an error occured applying attributes to the file " , access denied!

I tried opening the hosts file to add some apps/links to block then save it won't let me. The file isn't even on read only and i have full admin rights :mad:
WOW so far impressions are amazing , i have like 3 apps installing at once opening up other stuff and it's instant. Windows boots up the quickest i've ever seen it . What took the longest and stil is , is me as a human finding what i need to install and download it lol :D. Will benchmark shortly




Over 200 mb/s on both read and write... Yes it's not as fast as it should be probably some 50+ mb/s slower but you really wont notice that!. GET ONE NOW :) then when you upgrade your board you've got a further upgrade in ssd performance from ahci :)
lol it says in that benchmark that your writes are maxing out at about 216 mb/s and the reads are at 268 mb/s give or take :)
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