No Man's Sky - Procedural space game

Redefining keys is a disaster. After a few moments of doing so, the game bugs out and doesn't let you do it so you have to hit return to defaults and restart the bind process.

<digs out controller>
TonyTurbo - why you trying to derail this thread with this negativity?
We all been there,no need to repeat same bs.
I have no issues at all,as for fps - im with 1070 with all max and fps not dropping below 50,so i see no issue here.
No doubt there will be patch to fix issues.
Its not like any other games didnt have it and from much bigger teams than 16 people and with from so called big companies.

im not trying to derail anything, however, im allowed to post what i want if I'm posting information on the launch, afterall not everyone is privy to twitch broadcasts etc. If you dont like negative posts then ignore me.
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Just noticed this in Twitch chat:

barret232hxc : The 100 setting is garbage.Find your install folder ?:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\No Man's SkyNavigate to \Binaries\SETTINGSOpen TKGRAPHICSSETTINGS.MXML in NotepadEdit: Property name="FoVOnFoot" value="100.000000" and Property name="FoVInShip" value="100.000000"To 140 or higher - I find 140 good. so it should look like:<Property name="FoVOnFoot" value="140.000000" /> <Property name="FoVInShip" value="140.000000" />
Okay 30mins played, nothing amazing but there is this sense of being alone on a hostile planet. So far the atmosphere is great, your limitied in what you can do and how far you can travel. I've upgraded part of my ship, repaired it slightly and upgraded my multi-tool. I'm a noob to the survival type genre so I'm probably being drawn into NMS more than you veterans out there.

I've maxed it out on a 970GTX running @ 2880* and I get smooth framerates most of the time with jitters now and then. The FOV really needs to go more than 100 as it still feels your too close to the screen (if that makes sense)

Agreed, 100 isn't enough for some reason.

My nearest heridium deposit is 10 minutes away :(
What a mess. Game starts up, shows an Initialise screen with the 'E' prompt. I press it and now nothing happens.
Ignoring performance for a second, it looks pretty tedious to me. It has things in it I really hate in games, like you have to mine things by shooting them, but the gun overheats after a few seconds. Why? What is the point of that other than to annoy the player?...You have to collect resources, here is a small inventory so you have to go in it all the time to move things.

Not for me
Imho. FAIL graphically, game engine is poor and basically you wander around aimlessly shooting at rocks, shrubs etc. Played it for 45 mins. Set graphics to max and it'll stutter ever so often and I can tell I'm looking at a game the original xbox would have look poor on. I'm bored already and cannot find 1 element to progress after flying walking about. Refunded.
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Well TB certainly hasn't sold me on it :D.

Any other good streamers not having graphical issues?

Edit:nevermind found one that seems to be fine. Lrik whoever that is.
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Ignoring performance for a second, it looks pretty tedious to me. It has things in it I really hate in games, like you have to mine things by shooting them, but the gun overheats after a few seconds. Why? What is the point of that other than to annoy the player?...You have to collect resources, here is a small inventory so you have to go in it all the time to move things.

Not for me

The 4 tenets are survival, exploration,combat and trade. If you don't like those, you wont like it. It's about a journey, you start small but by doing the above you progress, discover new tech, inventory & equipment, ships etc.
no one TOLD ME THIS WAS A GAME IN SPACE11111!!!!111 #refund


Ok like what ive seen so far, time for foods tyhen a proper session. Hopefully it saves when you sit in your ship as thats what i did before leaving game :)
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