No Man's Sky

27 Sep 2004
Luton ;)
I really hope there are completely desolate planets too, don't recall seeing anything that doesn't have some sort of life on it.
Theyve been carefully selecting what planets to demo to ensure theres complex life to show - as Tauren said its gonna be a rarity in the real game...

ps3ud0 :cool:
23 Mar 2004
I'm keen to see more of the space battles, the feedback from the sixth axis (I think, some podcast) who had hands on said was very basic and arcadey, doesn't appear from what we've seen that you can control many/any ship systems either.

I worry the game will try to do too much and end up doing everything fairly poorly. Hope I'm wrong obviously.
20 Dec 2004
Basic and arcadey combat is fine with me. In NMS I see a beautiful looking universe to explore, no level grinding, no loot grinding, no PvP, a decent variety of stuff to do, a storyline of sorts to meander through. Sounds perfect, just a *nice* open world to play around in.

If I want a proper space sim I'll play ED or SC.
20 Dec 2004
Hello Games have bots that crawl around the galaxy dumping out video footage of worlds so the artists can look for edge-case screw ups in the procedural gen systems, even they will only visit a tiny fraction of the worlds :)
6 Aug 2010
Theres a trophy for it...

ps3ud0 :cool:

Seriously? Well platinum is going to be ultra-ultra-ultra-rare in this game then. :D

Surely there isn't as no-one will ever get it. Even if you visit a planet a second then, assuming I my maths is right, /60/60/24/365 to work that into minutes, hours, days and years then 18 quintillion is 570 billion years :eek: So either we never visit all the planets, we pass our consoles on to our great great great great great great ..... grandchildren or we as players can send out probes of some sort too.
23 Mar 2004
Basic and arcadey combat is fine with me. In NMS I see a beautiful looking universe to explore, no level grinding, no loot grinding, no PvP, a decent variety of stuff to do, a storyline of sorts to meander through. Sounds perfect, just a *nice* open world to play around in.

If I want a proper space sim I'll play ED or SC.

I agree and am very excited about the game and want it to be as amazing as I imagine.

I tried to love Elite but just can't get into it, the hassle of trying to dock really just isn't worth it, I know it takes practice but if by the year 3000 there isn't a computer to assist then we're doing something wrong when planes can do it now... :)

I guess I just want a balance between simplicity and depth so there is enough to keep me coming back for a long time.
28 Oct 2003
I tried to love Elite but just can't get into it, the hassle of trying to dock really just isn't worth it, I know it takes practice but if by the year 3000 there isn't a computer to assist then we're doing something wrong when planes can do it now... :)

Isn't there a docking computer upgrade like in the old game?
12 Feb 2006
this game does look to be amazing, and it's made just down the road from me :)

one tiny thing i worry about it the length at which your changes to a planet last. am i right in thinking say you dig down into the ground and modify the ground to make a cave. you leave the planet, come back and find it's now reset back to it's original state or will it last?

is it possible to see other players? i know finding your friends isn't something they say is doable, but am i right in thinking you can run into planets others have found first and "put their flag up" at, but that's it. it's impossible to see others ships, characters etc. so it's more like a leaderboard than anything.

i think it would be such a shame it it's not possible to view other players. i don't care about the chance of seeing other players. even if it's 0.01% chance of being at the same planet, i want to know it's possible.

one of the massive downsides to minecraft is the fact you don't see other players randomly. the whole point to NMS seems to be exploration and discovery, which i'm all behind and supportive of, but there will come a point your weapons and shields and ship are good enough that exploring will be pointless unless there's a chance of coming across other players

also VR. what's the talk about the oculus working with this?
6 Aug 2010
In order, as far as I understand changes you make to the planet are stored on your save rather than the server save. Therefore any changes you make to a planet like digging a hole will remain if you return to a planet however if I then visit the same planet I wont see the hole you dug. This is of course assuming that your visit and my visit are separate. If we are both on the same part of the planet when you dig a hole then it will save this change to both our local saves so it would be there if either of us return. It does make sense to do it this way as then everyone has the same access to resources rather than a race to farm the best and then new players would never be able to farm them.

As for seeing other players, yes you can see other players if you come across them. According the reddit thread if you come across another human player then you could kill them but you can’t interact with them in any other way like trading. However the chances of finding a genuine person rather than an NPC is very very very very very very low. The issue is that with 18 quintillion planets (18,000,000,000,000,000,000) that even if you overcome the odds and find another planet someone has visited it then it is unlikely for you to be on the planet at the same time never mind being on the same part of the planet at the same time.
12 Feb 2006
ok that's good to hear. the way they do it makes sense with regards to changing the planet. as long as what i do stays then i'm happy even if when someone visits a month later it's gone etc.

i feel they are over talking the size and inability to find another's planet thing. what's the point in naming planets, naming animals etc if there is literally no chance it'll be found?
27 Sep 2004
Luton ;)
AFAIK theres NPCs in space so that would be the challenge when it comes to improve ship/suit etc...

We really should try and make it a metagame to attempt to find another OcUKer - love to see the game break if I found someone and took them back to a planet they havent visited but Ive mined to see exactly what the game does to their version of the planet...

Man I want a R&C like metal detector for finding hidden resources - I think I think too small as you could just happily live in a solar system for ages doing all those small things
i feel they are over talking the size and inability to find another's planet thing. what's the point in naming planets, naming animals etc if there is literally no chance it'll be found?
Of course theres a good chance (relatively speaking - still way less than 1%) of finding already discovered planets/animals - I guess if you happen to find one you could track someones path like breadcrumbs...

I be surprised if we arent all well distributed within the game space to enhance that possibility, but I do see your point, but hey whats the meaning of life? :p. Crunching the possible math is not a positive idea!

ps3ud0 :cool:
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18 Aug 2006
ChCh, NZ
lol I get that.

Im keen to know what interaction options you have with other players.

Hopefully nothing, unless you choose to. Be nice to have an invisibility cloak upgrade and only visit central areas to sell or trade. And even then, I hope it's AH style trading. Would love it to just be me and the great expanses of the universe without bumping into some hysterical 13yo off his medication called 'iPwNNubz'.

Will keep an eye out for reviews before taking the plunge
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