I'm glad it's selling a boatload. Something fresh and new. There is nothing else like it out there.
I'm sick to death of rehashed EA / Ubisoft rubbish. The game critics seem to lap it up, they love it.
I would give NMS a 7 / 10 for gameplay, but for imagination it gets a 10 / 10. That's the important part.
If someone said to us 5 years ago.... imagine a game where you can hop in a spaceship and venture into the stars where there are thousands of planets and being able to land on any one of them....
Nobody would have believed it. People like Jim Sterling have absolutely no imagination. For a reviewer to not be imaginative is pretty alarming. The game cannot be reviewed in under 40 hours of gameplay, it's just impossible.
Hmmmm Elite? Lol, you do realise NMS isn't a new idea...