I've put in a ton of time into the game already, and am about half a dozen systems or so in. Loving my time. Unfortunately, I seem to have encountered a game-breaking bug that has left me stranded in my current system, which consists of two desolate planets, one being sentinel hostile.
I've seen a number of other players here on reddit (1, 2) and on NeoGAF (1, 2, 3) mention that they're being affected by the same bug, and I think as more and more people approach the point in the game where you have enough money to buy ships, more and more people are going to realize they're screwed as well, unless Hello can jump on this:
If you (the player) finally give in (like I did) to the annoying-ass message in the bottom right of the screen telling you you have unclaimed rewards during a specific part in the tutorial (before receiving and building the hyperdrive), the game will skip over this section of the tutorial completely, and move on like nothing happened, with no hint to the player that anything is wrong. In reality, the player ends up starting the game without the ability to build the essential item that allows you to get around and progress in the game. What basically happens is the player obtains a ship with a hyperdrive, but not through the proper way of finding the blueprint and building one themselves and attaching it to their crashed ship, but just getting it by redeeming the pre-order ship. I guess the tutorial just sees the hyperdrive box checked and moves on, lmao. So you get the one hyperdrive that comes pre-installed in the pre-order ship, and that's it.
Down the line, this pretty much ***** everything up. At the space station in the system I'm in now, I saw a ship that I loved, had a bigger inventory (THANK GOD) and finally had enough money to make a big purchase. Before pressing the final purchase button, I noticed the ship didn't have a hyperdrive (no ships I had seen had had one other than the player's) so I assumed the hyperdrive automatically just gets moved over, whatever, another one of the countless weird obtuse UI decisions. It doesn't.
So now, I'm stuck with a ship with no hyperdrive, with no way to make a hyperdrive. Essentially freezing my progress permanently until this bug is fixed, or I accept defeat and delete my save with like a dozen hours on it, and start over. Whichever comes first.
TL;DR: Redeeming the pre-order ship during a certain part of the tutorial means you never get the means to build hyperdrives, an ability you need if you ever want to buy or switch into a new ship. If you do get a new ship without the ability to build hyperdrives, you're stranded in your star system.