No Man's Sky

how do you get the land vehicles? I'm playing in creative mode atm dunno if you can have them in that mode? I will try my normal mode later I guess. are they only limited to your home planet?
Need to build a tech station, hire a tech guy, then build the exovehicle normal mode anyway.

Not had any crashes...only bug so far is frame rate dip when fauna attacks you while driving around.
I don't want to play the "normal" mode as I like the challenge survival brings. Just can't find zinc...
Im trying to play this without deaths, but I feel like I'm going to have to do it to try and find the 10 more I need to fix the ship. :(
I really don't see how the permadeath option would work, unless they have made materials a tiny bit more abundant.

Have had no crashes here. For those that have experienced it, are you on the pro?
When does that happen? When climbing out ship, or just when walking?
I'm not on pro, but has all been fine here.
Even found zinc and got flying... Pretty sure the ship flies closer to the ground now? Or am i imagining it?
It's happened on two different planets a total of theee times now. It's literally as the ship sets down and you jump out the cockpit. Then into oblivion/drowning. :p
I don't want to play the "normal" mode as I like the challenge survival brings. Just can't find zinc...
Im trying to play this without deaths, but I feel like I'm going to have to do it to try and find the 10 more I need to fix the ship. :(
I really don't see how the permadeath option would work, unless they have made materials a tiny bit more abundant.

Have had no crashes here. For those that have experienced it, are you on the pro?

Kill sentinels, they drop Zinc again now, makes life a lot easier from that perspective.
£24 on Steam, mixed, but better reviews - any reason not to buy this now?

I got 50 hours out of the game at launch. The improvements are just icing on the cake for me! It's only going to get better at this stage. Personally, I'm hoping that multiplayer will eventually be on the cards, seeing as there's such a demand for it.
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Really struggling to find the stuff I need. Got loads of carbon and iron. The scanner seems useless only shows what's right in front of you and never anything I want.
Today's minor update added a 30FPS lock switch, turn it off and you'll be getting far better FPS even on a standard PS4, makes my fan kick right in though, I really must get around to applying some new thermal paste :)
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