No Man's Sky

I'm the same. I still liked the game we got at launch, but the new features are a massive improvement.
A lunar rover type vehicle is high on my list of desires, that and the ability to fly lower without mods.
I'm sure Hello Games have some decent plans. They really don't deserve the sheer amount of stick they got, given how AAA titles are given a free pass to constantly be utter ****.
I'm currently saving up for one of them freighters. Ive managed to raise 4 million from simply trading at a space station.
How are you guys getting on post-Foundation patch?

I only played NMS briefly on PC at launch but received it as an Xmas gift on PS4, am really enjoying it, have sunk a lot more time into this than many other AAA games. Uncharted 4 for example bored the life out of me through the first few chapters to the point I've not wanted to touch it again.

Is very grindy but I don't think it deserved the amount of negative feedback it got on launch although I do think the price point was way off.

I think knowing the person who bought it for me only spent £20 means I'm a bit more willing to look past many of the flaws.
I'm still enjoying the post foundation version of this. Far better than the initial launch version.

If I could go back in time. I'd delay my purchase and pick it up for around 20£ now.
I'm still enjoying the post foundation version of this. Far better than the initial launch version.

If I could go back in time. I'd delay my purchase and pick it up for around 20£ now.

Do you think if Hello Games could go back in time they'd just delay the launch by another couple of months?

Guessing they needed to get some money in the bank and imagine Sony were pressuring to get it out the door.

I don't think whatever they delivered would have been enough for some people, I feel a lot of the negative coverage could have been avoided if they'd been a bit more open about the main focus of the game and said you're going to be mining for quite a while in the early-game... No one complains about that in Minecraft :) Does exactly what it says on the tin.
I fired this up yesterday after not touching it since launch day. It seems that hello games may just have rescued the £40 I throw into the bin when I purchased it on day one. I'll have to put a few more hours into this to see if it's really that much better than it was when it first came out but on the surface it seems to be much better already.
Just picked this up on amazon for £14 its well worth that, hope they add more stuff but if they release paid dlc they will get stick again.
Its worth getting just not at full price, it can be fun but it also can get repeative quickly...

I would say £10-£20 is a justified price.
Really hoping we get another update soon, would love to see a rover type vehicle and some more tweaks to the gameplay.
I'm losing the will to live with pirates. Recently started a new survival game and am going for not dying... I essentially can't leave the first planet, as pirates spawn after around 1 minute.
Tone it down HelloGames, I like the way survival makes you play the game but space combat is a clunky mess.
I'm the same. I still liked the game we got at launch, but the new features are a massive improvement.
A lunar rover type vehicle is high on my list of desires, that and the ability to fly lower without mods.
I'm sure Hello Games have some decent plans. They really don't deserve the sheer amount of stick they got, given how AAA titles are given a free pass to constantly be utter ****.

Just picked this up for £15 at grainger games, looking forward to it :)
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