No More This Week Only

Another vote for TWO from me. It kept me visiting the site every week, and quite a few of my recent purchases happened purely because something in TWO caught my eye and oops, there's my wallet...
I always used to make a concerted effort to check the website on a wednesday specifically for the "this week only" offers, it'd have been even nicer if more watercooling and case stuff was put on there regular too.

Not a fan of these daily offers, the savings don't seem so substantial, in any case enough to make me want to spend money when i really shouldn't.
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I looked forward TWO every week, some times there were great deals to be had some times you saved a pound or 2, but it was some thing to check out each week.
some people check out the site every day , bet some people check it every Hr.
but most people checked the site out every Wedensday. It was a great hook for OCUK.
i think daily offers its a great idea, because if the TWO as nothing u want u will need to wait a week till the next TWO, but with daily offers you'll only need to wait 24hours for the next set of offers.
I have mixed feelings... TWO did have a pull tho - I was always checking the site for the next one, seeing if there was anything I'd been thinking about buying but not commited which I'd have pulled the trigger on for the price reduction...
Another vote for TWO. Always checked every Wed for the offers. Having to check through the news for the past offers is more of a hassle.
I thought 'This Week Only' was a great piece of marketing.

I bet your bandwidth usage went up on Wednesdays, as I for one always logged on for a gander, often buying items before the week was out.

Another vote for it's return here.

I think that the "TWO" was definatly a good marketing ploy and without a doubt it helped me spend much more than I should have on more than one occasion. and I can quite understand the sense behind trying to give more deals for longer periods on a daily basis.
So maybe a compromise is needed, lots of people would love to see the "TWO" return and I suppose I am one of them, but you could do a weekend deals "TWEED" and a "TWO" maybee running from mon-fri /fri-mon for the very best deals and still do a single daily deal for the not quite so amazing price deals, so as not to upset the people who like the new format. :D
I liked TWO. It was were i bought most of my stuff from as it had a various hardware and generally had something from each category.
I sat till midnight waiting for the new TWO but it never came :( disapointed a bit and as i'm trying to build a new system i don't get much to choose from in these daily offers but from TWO there was so much to choose from. +1 for Two tbh. On an offtopic, any offers coming for a 295GTX? ^^
I quite like the daily offers personally. I've bought many items from overclockers over the years, but I've also bought many items from elsewhere, as overclockers haven't always been competitively priced. This new system sounds as though that will change. As much as I've always been impressed with overclockers' customer service and speedy delivery, I will always buy at the cheapest price available to me, especially in the current economical climate :)
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After initially not being keen on the idea I think the Latest Deals page is good even more so with the RSS feed.

Yes it was nice every wednesday to look at the latest TWO but now those offers are available as soon as OCUK how can people complain about that?

We still get the same great service with highly competetive prices and in the end thats why we shop here.
I liked this week only,gives you a chance to have a look, mention to friends which I have many a time and some consideration time etc :)

+1 Bring them back! :)

Can we have a poll? :)
I vote for keeping the current system. I agree that the price cuts will likely be less, and agree that it makes OcUK somehow less unique.
The convenience of prices which stay the same outweighs this for me. It is frustrating to watch the price of a build you're considering fluctuate so much from one week to the next. Leads to concern that if you wait a week, or worse bought it last week, youd be 50 quid better off.

It would be nice to show previous price beside the new one for the new offers however :)
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