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No Pre Order or Official UK Price on the GTX 1080

Haha, I'm definitely out at that price. And even considering I was one of the ones daft enough to preorder a rift that I don't ever use and is now gathering dust. Impulse buying is fun but not 650 quid's worth of fun. :eek:
I was going to jump on the 1080 but those prices are Joke tbh!

I know its this BS Founders edition carp but really!

Trouble is there are plenty of mugs who will pay and the cycle goes on!
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All those idiots that thought the 1080 would be £400 odd, the 1070 would be £300, and the 980ti resale price would plummet to £200. Pah.

At this rate I've no doubt the 1080ti will be Titan prices, and the new Titan will just be **** off silly.
All those idiots that thought the 1080 would be £400 odd, the 1070 would be £300, and the 980ti resale price would plummet to £200. Pah.

At this rate I've no doubt the 1080ti will be Titan prices, and the new Titan will just be **** off silly.

Who in their right mind is actually buying the Titan anyway? Seeing as how it has the same performance as a 980Ti and was twice the price. It was probably just released to test how stupid we really are. Obviously they concluded we are stupid with the price of the 1080.
Price is silly for the performance gains, if true.

What will the top end be?
Ti £750 +
Titan £1k +

The 1080 will slide down in price to make room for the Ti.

Nvidia have been very consistent in pricing for the last 16 years, that might push slightly higher this time round with no competition but I doubt they will make a big jump.

The Real question is what will Rip-off Britain prices be.
Just lolz at these prices.

Nvidia just thought we are putting our prices up and gave a green flag to all the partners with custom boards to do the same they would be mad not to.

We all might be lucky to get a king pin for under £900 :p
The 1080 will slide down in price to make room for the Ti.

Nvidia have been very consistent in pricing for the last 16 years, that might push slightly higher this time round with no competition but I doubt they will make a big jump.

The Real question is what will Rip-off Britain prices be.

How exactly is a price of just over £400 for a 980 "consistent" with a £200 increase for a 1080, which is essentially the same mid-range product 18 months later?? Perhaps I'm missing something... :confused:

The £1K consumer (non-Titan) GPU is just around the corner folks!
I think will see all the good custom card priced at £600-£750, but hope not for the folks that want them.

Just glad i did not get shut of the tx as i had my eyeballs removed by nvidia last time round.

Heard i few folks saying about the next titan will have hbm but the ti will not, i think thats spot on and a way of keeping the titan just above the ti.
Hmm I wonder if AMD will do the same... they will have the polaris at the midrange, then a massive jump for the Vega card, just slightly lower than the 1080ti.
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