North Korea threatens US with a pre-emptive nuclear strike.

Does anyone know for sure what NK have ? everyone seems to know what weapons they have and im just left wondering how the whole world knows ? do they currently let anyone in the country to investigate their current affairs.

This is pretty mad - especially the underground runway. But theres lots of info like this just on the web from google earth, im sure spy satellites have ten times as much. IMO its junk, there doesnt seem to be anything there a US aircraft carrier would have difficulties dealing with. Even the Mig 29s are old ex-soviet models purchased in the 90s. Thats why this is all bluster and hype.
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If they are smart the stuff they get out for parades is just for show and is old tech that they wouldn't use.

Unlike the USSR who flew all their nuclear bombers past red square then looped them round and did a 2nd flyby per plane to make it look like they had twice as many, that scared the absolute **** out of the USA until it leaked out what had happened :p

The shiny new Russian, Chinese, and Iranian stuff could be hidden away.

The last thing Russia sold them was obsolete model Mig-29's in the '90s, the same type that got raped by the USAF and RAF in desert storm, Iran has nothing to offer NK as people are worried about NK supplying them with tech.

Defectors are an awful source of information. Wasn't there that one Iraqi defector that basically started the war in Iraq by telling the UK and US whatever they wanted to hear about weapons of mass destruction.

Sort of, its pretty much a given that Bush knew he was lying but lead the coalition to war anyway (numerous countries told him/Blair that their intelligence agencies were sure he had no WMD's or the ability to produce them).

This is what happens when you put a child in charge of a country manipulation by his generals

You do know hes 30 and was educated/grew up in Europe yeah? the baby stuff is just FOX news propaganda.
He is 30 **** me he looks about 12 :eek:lol my mistake

ya seems quite strange - I would think their country could get better by following a few rules and thus lots of restrictions would ease up.

Im worried about a 'accident' and the north launching something and then the US is in another war ...
ya seems quite strange - I would think their country could get better by following a few rules and thus lots of restrictions would ease up.

Im worried about a 'accident' and the north launching something and then the US is in another war ...

There are no accidental launches, what there might be are factions. Seems to me theres probably a lot of face being lost in the north when whatever faction is behind the 'sabre rattling for aid' policy is just making NK look weak because nobody is trying to placate them with meetings / food / pay-offs - except for the perenially rubbish UN of course who specialise in short term idiocy disguised as diplomacy.

The problem is, their nuclear ambitions have fundamentally altered the effectiveness of this type of action. Previously threatening the south with china behind you was enough for other nations to placate them with aid for the sake of a peaceful couple of years. Now they have nukes the game is fundamentally changed. Its not just SK theyre threatening but a regional nuclear strike and it seems to me the US and its allies is saying - well, if this is going to happen lets do it now whilst they only have 2 bombs rather than in another ten years time when they have 20.

So inside NK, theres this faction that is starting to look pretty ineffective (and lets face it, ineffectiveness in a totalitarian regime = a purge) and one good way to head this off might be to up the stakes to the point that the west caves in and delivers aid. This is an awfully thin line to walk though, if the restarting of the reactors doesnt work, what about a limited strike against a SK vessel...
The last thing Russia sold them was obsolete model Mig-29's in the '90s, the same type that got raped by the USAF and RAF in desert storm, Iran has nothing to offer NK as people are worried about NK supplying them with tech.

Iran does have the Hoot missile ( Russian VA-111 Shkval) which is the fastest torpedo in the world.

That'll sink a few aircraft carriers.
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