North Korea threatens US with a pre-emptive nuclear strike.

30 Apr 2006
I think russia and esp. china care - look what happened in the 1st korean war.

IMO china would sure step in if the US goes to war

Say it once and i'll say it again. China are a completely different animal then it was even 10 years ago. It's become more Westernised then you think.
Wise Guy
23 May 2009
I'm sure China would love to become the local USA, and do to NK what the US does to China, use it for cheap slave labour. Same for Africa.
24 Jun 2004
I think russia and esp. china care - look what happened in the 1st korean war.

IMO china would sure step in if the US goes to war

Armed conflict with the US would be economic suicide for both sides. It simply will not happen.

If the US acts against China's wishes, then there will be serious consequences for their relations - China may effectively impose unilateral economic sanctions on the US (ban certain exports etc), but that is a far as it would go. Even that would be a drastic measure with dramatic consequences for both sides.

In reality, whatever action is taken by the US will be discussed behind the scenes with China beforehand. If conflict is inevitable, China's main concern is maintaining a "buffer zone" between China and South Korea. It is overwhelmingly likely that China would take some sort of administrative role in post-war North Korea.
18 Oct 2002
Wargrave, UK
I think if NK do attack SK or any US bases China will step in, but not in the way that people might imagine.
I think China would tell the US and SK to not retaliate and would invade NK themselves, remove the current government and annex it as part of China.
24 Jun 2004
I wonder if China would prefer a unified Korea with SK style government rather than a belligerent north ?

I suspect that China would like a "East / West Germany" type approach, albeit with far better communication across the boarder. China will develop the North into a manufacturing-based economy, supplying the South (and other Western nations) with cheap imports. A similar model to the China of the 80s and 90s, with the goal of a similar growth curve.
Man of Honour
2 Jan 2009
I think if NK do attack SK or any US bases China will step in, but not in the way that people might imagine.
I think China would tell the US and SK to not retaliate and would invade NK themselves, remove the current government and annex it as part of China.

That would be an interesting move, not sure I could see it happening though.
24 Jun 2004
I think if NK do attack SK or any US bases China will step in, but not in the way that people might imagine.
I think China would tell the US and SK to not retaliate and would invade NK themselves, remove the current government and annex it as part of China.

If China had a larger military force, then perhaps. As it is I think they will be content to let the US and the South carry most of the military burden, and use their political clout to make sure that they gain ultimate control over the country post war.

I think China's role will be "peacekeeping" rather than the initial military offensive. In this way they get the best of both worlds.
19 May 2005
Glasgow, Rock City.
If China had a larger military force, then perhaps. As it is I think they will be content to let the US and the South carry most of the military burden, and use their political clout to make sure that they gain ultimate control over the country post war.

I think China's role will be "peacekeeping" rather than the initial military offensive. In this way they get the best of both worlds.

Aren't China bound by treaty to defend North Korea though?

If so, perhaps they would do so on North Korean soil but not much else?
24 Jun 2004
Aren't China bound by treaty to defend North Korea though?

If so, perhaps they would do so on North Korean soil but not much else?

Yes - they are bound by the "Treaty of Friendship, Co-operation and Mutual Assistance" (see a rundown of the text here).

Officially, yes, this document obliges China and North Korea to come to each others aid in the event of an outside military threat (see Article II).

... However, this document was signed in 1967. Back then China was nowhere near as important globally as they are now. I can't conceive a situation where China would let its position as a 21st century superpower come under threat to uphold a 45 year old treaty with a neighbour who is increasingly acting against their best interests. And make no mistake, opposing the US militarily in any way would be a massive threat to all the progress they have made in the past decade. China does not want another cold war - they are far too integrated into the international economy.

You're right though. To save face, China may be forced to 'render assistance' to NK. They could do this in many ways, for example, aid drops. The US would certainly be dropping food aid to the civilian population from the outbreak of war (...hearts and minds), so this would be a a good way for China to appear to be respecting their treaty, without getting the in the way of the US.
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14 Oct 2007
I think if NK do attack SK or any US bases China will step in, but not in the way that people might imagine.
I think China would tell the US and SK to not retaliate and would invade NK themselves, remove the current government and annex it as part of China.

That would be my guess of what would happen, there is no way china would allow a us controlled government to share a border with china
26 Dec 2009
Wonder why it is America always in confrontation with countries all over the world, pointing fingers and issuing blame.

As the saying goes when you point your finger at somebody else, four fingers are pointing back at you.
Man of Honour
21 Nov 2004
Wonder why it is America always in confrontation with countries all over the world, pointing fingers and issuing blame.

As the saying goes when you point your finger at somebody else, four fingers are pointing back at you.

Whilst this is usually the case, I think you need to read the thread title.
8 Apr 2009
That would be my guess of what would happen, there is no way china would allow a us controlled government to share a border with china

So let me get this right you agree that China would attack North Korea and annex it to effectively make it part of China to prevent a US controlled country from having a border with China? So you propose they would extend their border by annexation to border .... South Korea. Now you'll have to excuse me but I think I've just found a big flaw in that.
24 Jun 2004
So let me get this right you agree that China would attack North Korea and annex it to effectively make it part of China to prevent a US controlled country from having a border with China? So you propose they would extend their border by annexation to border .... South Korea. Now you'll have to excuse me but I think I've just found a big flaw in that.

China will not annex North Korea directly into its territory. However it may set up a "friendly" government which is reliant on China for its stability in all major ways (economically, militarily, and politically). In this way it will work as an effective buffer, in much the same way that North Korea works now.

This is far from an ideal situation for the US, but if North Korea continues its military threats against the US and South Korea, then the US may begin to see it as a preferable to letting North Korea continue on its current path.

I still think China's path to this outcome would be through peacekeeping and post-war administration. They simply do not have the military might to quickly break the North Korean war machine, in the way that the US does. China has a lot of traditional army ground power, but they cannot even come close to the US in terms of air and naval forces.
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