North Korea threatens US with a pre-emptive nuclear strike.

What are the chances Kim-Jong-un isnt as indoctrinated as he should be?

Maybe he wants the regime to end...I doubt this is a relevant possibility, but its made me curious about it.
They're probably just annoyed because Russia called their actions "completely unacceptable".


the chinese told them to do one when they requested a visit form an ambassador and now the russians have upset them by telling them they are in the wrong

so now they have no backing would think this would tell them something.
I suppose the key moment will come if/when North Korea test-launches this "Musudan" mid-range missile that they are apparently putting onto a mobile launcher.

The immediate aftermath is fairly predictable: Condemnation from the US, Japan and South Korea, calls for restraint from Russia, China and the UN. Then the US proposes placing further sanctions on North Korea at the UN security council.

The key then will be whether China and Russia abstain, or whether they just block the motion. If they block it, North Korea may feel emboldened to continue the rhetoric and keep developing their missile technology (which will not please the US one bit). If the motion is blocked and NK has to face further sanctions... Well, who knows how they will respond.

From the signs that Russia and China have been giving lately, I find it hard to imagine they would defend North Korea at this point.
They're probably just annoyed because Russia called their actions "completely unacceptable".

I dont think they are ordering them out. They are saying 'be careful lads, things might go south any time now so you might wanna get out of here for a bit'
Doesn't the Russian news portray the NK as wanting peace and trying to avoid this conflict while the rest of the world are like NK are ebil?!?
Interesting article this morning, basically said another reason this is all happening because the elite are losing their grip on the country through the influx of phones / TVs from china, making the 'middle classes' not believe everything the propoganda says. So they need to bolster up the 'enemy' and make the regime central to everyones lives again. Interesting to see how far they go with that.

they reckon theyll launch the missile to scare everyone as an unnanounced 'test' on the 15th, the birthday of the grand pappy of it all, Kim Il Sung. It will be hilarious if a SK cruiser shoots it down.
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I dont think they are ordering them out. They are saying 'be careful lads, things might go south any time now so you might wanna get out of here for a bit'

That's how i'm reading it also.

They want the world to see that they're so serious about this that they're asking their 'friends' to maybe think about leaving. Of course it's all stage-managed.
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Interesting article this morning, basically said another reason this is all happening because the elite are losing their grip on the country through the influx of phones / TVs from china, making the 'middle classes' not believe everything the propoganda says. So they need to bolster up the 'enemy' and make the regime central to everyones lives again. Interesting to see how far they go with that.

they reckon theyll launch the missile to scare everyone as an unnanounced 'test' on the 15th, the birthday of the grand pappy of it all, Kim Il Sung. It will be hilarious if a SK cruiser shoots it down.

NK doesn't have a central bank, why do you think the US is like OMG war, war, WAR!!! My youtube chan. has some good vids. on that sort of stuff.
lol, from the BBC

British diplomats in North Korea have been warned the government there cannot guarantee their safety after April 10 in the event of conflict, the Foreign Office has said.

The latest move comes amid spiralling tensions in the Korean peninsula.

The Foreign Office says it is "considering next steps" after the North Korean regime asked if Britain is considering evacuating its embassy.

On Thursday, David Cameron said he was "very concerned" about North Korea.

The UK prime minster cited the nuclear threat posed by the regime led by Kim Jong-un as one of the reasons he is committed to maintaining a round-the-clock submarine-based nuclear missile system.

As a result of the latest development, the Foreign Office says it is "considering next steps", including the possibility of amending travel advice.

But it warned North Korea that it had obligations under the international Vienna convention to protect diplomatic missions and claimed the move was an example of the "continuing rhetoric" against the United States.

Anecdotal reports from inside the North Korean capital, Pyongyang, say the mood there is calm, and many believe North Korea is deliberately trying to create a sense of crisis, says the BBC's Lucy Williamson in Seoul.
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