North Korea

I wonder if they'll try to destroy the ISS
It would be kinda lol considering Russia decided not to bother putting an autocannon on the ISS (or Mir) because relations with the USA had improved so nobody was likely to fire a missile at it (also the USA were planning to join them in the ISS adventure), then along comes crazy Kim XD
It would be kinda lol considering Russia decided not to bother putting an autocannon on the ISS (or Mir) because relations with the USA had improved so nobody was likely to fire a missile at it (also the USA were planning to join them in the ISS adventure), then along comes crazy Kim XD

Hah never knew the first Soviet space station had a 23mm autocannon.

If that is true, then the world has left it too late to fix North Korea.

Been saying it for awhile - but people still think you can negotiate with someone who clearly isn't interested in anything you have to offer. Sanctions will do diddly squat at the timescales involved.

EDIT: 60 bombs estimate seems a bit high - consensus by most experts is that they will have enough material to have made (not necessarily to say they've made them or had 100% success rate in construction) around 28 by the end of this year - this is based on a fairly indepth analysis of their Plutonium production capabilities and imports, etc.

I'll be very surprise if they don't have a working platform to deliver atleast a single approx dozen kt device by the end of the year on a mid-range missile and possibly primitive but functional multi-warhead vehicle.
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I like that the US exaggerates someone else's military prowess to make it seem more of a threat, but when it comes to the environment where there can be errors as high as 100% of emissions, nah its cool man, this tiny minuscule effort we put in will be enough.
It's crazy to think that over 10 years ago they tested their first nuclear device, and the world just presumed they wouldn't find a way to deliver it.

There seems to be a massive under-estimation or dismissiveness of the results of their tech sharing with Iran despite Iran demonstrating perfection of the technology - some of that info is going to have gone back the other way.
President Donald Trump says North Korea "will be met with fire and fury" like the world has never seen if it threatens the U.S.

Say Sky News.

President Donald Trump says North Korea "will be met with fire and fury" like the world has never seen if it threatens the U.S.

Say Sky News.


Just empty words at this point - we've already seen NK will be little dissuaded by intimidation and consequences only somewhat guide their actions of late.
President Donald Trump says North Korea "will be met with fire and fury" like the world has never seen if it threatens the U.S.

totally not inflammatory, it'd be funny if that wasn't "the leader of the free world" speaking.

i'm still hoping it'll collapse from within before anything major kicks off, of course i've been hoping that for a while now and it doesn't seem to be happening.
President Donald Trump says North Korea "will be met with fire and fury" like the world has never seen if it threatens the U.S.
Say Sky News.

They have threatened every day.
Come on Donald, start a massive war! You can't get any policies sorted at home, so start a massive useless war against a starved populous.
Frankly North Korea is like a kid with a pea shooter spitting peas into the side of New Jersey shouting "I'm going to kill you all with my peas" as they turn the 16" guns on to him and laugh.
i'm still hoping it'll collapse from within before anything major kicks off, of course i've been hoping that for a while now and it doesn't seem to be happening.

Unfortunately I can't see that happening - though there is significant dissatisfaction in the countryside the "elites" and others slightly better off in the cities and likewise the higher ranks in the military have just enough they have something to lose and in most cases protest movements and coups, etc. need growing backing in the cities to take a foothold.
President Donald Trump says North Korea "will be met with fire and fury" like the world has never seen if it threatens the U.S.

Say Sky News.

Dousing Trump in petrol and dropping him on NK from a great height (set on fire) would fit that description.
I think the issue is with the press and Trump. The press still think/believe/try to see this bloke as presidential, they forget his Tweets and other stuff and take it all at face value. He is a loud mouth, he isn't presidential and he OFTEN says stuff that is then retracted, forgotten, ignored, done differently. If Obama had just said this then we would have cause for concern, but what happened is the loud mouth engaged it AGAIN without any fear of consequence.
Will Kim and co. see Trump's words as a joke with no substance like the rest of the world does?

I'm guessing not.
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