Nostalrius Begins - Vanilla WoW

Well there's also plenty to hate!

Afraid I'm on alliance, almost 30 as well now on my warrior but fancy a horde character at some point.
I would love to play this if I didn't have other commitments for my time. Looking back I only really enjoyed vanilla and burning crusades, after which i was only going through the motions because of addiction.

Would be nice to recapture some of the magic even if it was only for a little while.
What side is everyone on?

I might level up a rogue again. Or maybe a hunter. Get me a ZG bat again :D
So are there crossroads battles every evening.

Always remember getting to lvl 10 (or whatever level wasn't safe) and crossroads and seeing some amazing fights taking place and getting ganked.

Gonna check this out tonight FTP classic WOW :D
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So are there crossroads battles every evening.

Always remember getting to lvl 10 (or whatever level wasn't safe) and crossroads and seeing some amazing fights taking place and getting ganked.

Ahhhh, sweet Cross Roads. So much fun to be had, and the chat. So lovely lol.

Was ZG around in vanilla? I just got told it wasn't... I'm sure I remember it being around... I can't decide if I want to go Hunter or Rogue. Hunter makes for damn easy leveling.
RuneScape did a similar thing to this. The game has changed drastically over the past 8 or so years and they released an "old school" version of the game from 2007/8 with a lot of the newer updates left out. This version of the game is (not exaggerating here) as popular if not more so than the main version of the game. Go to twitch and you will see that most of the live streamers for RuneScape will be playing oldschool.

This is a prime example of how effective this can be in gaining old players back.

Yup, I think everyone was a bit surprised at the popularity of OSRS, especially as the "main" game, which I play, receives much bigger and more frequent updates.

OSRS is based on a 2007 edition of the game, and receives updates occasionally, but only for content that has passed a 70% player approval poll.

They have about the same number of active players.
They said they would never do it - I'll try and find the post, but they said people have rose-tinted view of how the game used to be, and it would be a backward step for them to do it.

Yeah, people preferring a challenge and an MMO where this that and the other was actually impressive is a step backward, definitely rose tinted specs alright. Much better today where any 3 year old can level to 100 in their sleep and raids are used as warm ups at nursery for the coloring in classes.
Vanilla WoW was never a 'challenge', and the hardest part of raiding was finding and keeping 40 people together - which will be doubly hard on Nost due to their **** poor release schedule and the buggy as **** raids.

Was ZG around in vanilla? I just got told it wasn't... I'm sure I remember it being around... I can't decide if I want to go Hunter or Rogue. Hunter makes for damn easy leveling.
Yes it was, there is some weird ass content release schedule on Nos though so no ZG yet.
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It was fun during Beta and Vanilla with the old Guild...but wouldn't be the same now 10+ years later.. also not as much spare time to burn either....
If you roll horde, send me a message, name is "Dappadon".

Ignore the guys on the forums, some right *****s on there!
Yea, just found that out through their extremely 'toxic' community which has really put me off playing on the server haha.

It would seem unless you know the game like the back of your hand, you're not welcome.

I'm just going to continue to troll them now.

Just seen this - wow.

I can assure you players on the server are much nicer!
Seems like fun, been a while since I've played wow let alone vanilla wow :P I think I'll give it a go
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