So are there crossroads battles every evening.
Always remember getting to lvl 10 (or whatever level wasn't safe) and crossroads and seeing some amazing fights taking place and getting ganked.
RuneScape did a similar thing to this. The game has changed drastically over the past 8 or so years and they released an "old school" version of the game from 2007/8 with a lot of the newer updates left out. This version of the game is (not exaggerating here) as popular if not more so than the main version of the game. Go to twitch and you will see that most of the live streamers for RuneScape will be playing oldschool.
This is a prime example of how effective this can be in gaining old players back.
I still think Blizz should themselves open up a vanilla realm!
They said they would never do it - I'll try and find the post, but they said people have rose-tinted view of how the game used to be, and it would be a backward step for them to do it.
Yes it was, there is some weird ass content release schedule on Nos though so no ZG yet.Was ZG around in vanilla? I just got told it wasn't... I'm sure I remember it being around... I can't decide if I want to go Hunter or Rogue. Hunter makes for damn easy leveling.
Yea, just found that out through their extremely 'toxic' community which has really put me off playing on the server haha.
It would seem unless you know the game like the back of your hand, you're not welcome.
I'm just going to continue to troll them now.
If you roll horde, send me a message, name is "Dappadon".
Ignore the guys on the forums, some right *****s on there!
I'll hit you up mate
Going to roll a hunter to start with.