Now what?

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This seemed an ideal way to do it and if it's a stepping stone to buying a Mac then what's so bad?

Laughable attempt at justification, at best. ;)

Go to a Mac store and test it out. Get a friend who has a Mac (buy him/her if you have to). Buy a cheap one off an auction site and play around with it.

And if you still want to do things illegally/against the license, then don't post it on a forum asking about it (where I'm sure it's against the rules).
Laughable attempt at justification, at best. ;)

I beg your pardon?

For your info I've spent a large chunk of time looking for second hand Mac Minis. I'm still not sure whether I want one yet because I've barely touched the surface of the OS. I hoped that by doing what I've done I'd be able to have a proper try out first.

I've already said, I don't know anyone within an hours drive who has a Mac I can play with. The nearest Apple shop is about the same distance away.

Sorry if you don't believe me, and sorry for bothering you all.

I guess I know where I won't be welcome if/when I get a Mac for any hints, tips or advice.

You haven't bothered me. The thread originally just jumped out to be as if you were attempting to get a reaction from people on here who may be annoyed about you breaking the license.

'Now what?' is hardly a question that's specific or even suitable for a calculated response to what you are/were looking for. If you actually were looking some advice or help, the post wouldn't have been as vague as it was or still is.
No, you will get advice when your running it legally.

I dont see the point in trying a system on UNSUPPORTED hardware that will most defiantly lead to problems and thus destroy your experience.

Again, I really can't believe that no friends have it, unless you have like 10 friends?

I got a mate to buy a iBook without him even trying one to my knowledge. I just gave him my (slightly biased opinion obviously :p) and he got one.

Maybe we can guide you in a direction if you tell us what your going to use it for? Any Specialist software or just general browsing?

Because if its the latter then go for it as all the flash things work, no need for AV or spyware etc, no maintenance required at all.

I use my MBP for everything and I love it.
You can book an appointment at for a 1 hour personal shopping appointment, where there is no requirement to buy any thing, just come along and talk to a mac specialist who can demo features, answer questions and help you choose a computer if you did want to buy one. You can come back again if your still not happy.
tbh I'm going to cut Feek some slack on this one. Why drop a chunk of cash on a Mac to find out you dont like it. And yeah, you can try one out in a store but its hardly ideal to get a good feel for things. Although as someone else pointed out, running OSX on unsupported hardware is going to give a negative impression of the OS in some instances.

Yes, it IS unlawful to run OSX in this way and against forum rules to talk about it, but cmon, hardly the crime of the century is it. I went out and bought an iBook to try OSX, but I dont blame him for 1 minute for trying it this way.

I hope you like OS X and go on to buy a Mac.
There's an internet retailer pumping out unused (very old stock!) G4 Mac Mini's with full warranty at the moment for those who are interested. Ships with Tiger and will run Leopard OK with a RAM upgrade. They are similarly named to an old Bitmap Brothers game.
MagicBoy, £270 for a G4 Mac is still a complete waste of money. They're slow and built on an obsolete platform.

Cut the guy some slack, he's breaking an EULA, not the law. Honestly I think partly the reason why people get so excited when people do this is because they're annoyed that they spent £x more on a "real Mac" and not really gained much. If someone's considering a Mac shouldn't the Mac community be doing what they can to persuade them that it's a good idea, rather than playing the "HURR GET A REAL MAC!" card. Sometimes the total Apple fanatics are worse than the Linux fans (see the person in the iPhone thread claiming that he'd be annoyed if it became popular).

You had an opportunity to sell the features of the OS that so many of you claim is the #1 reason for owning a Mac, and you blew it.

Again, I really can't believe that no friends have it, unless you have like 10 friends?
Good way to dispel that Mac user myth. Before I got my Mac I knew zero people who had one, I made my mind up and took a gamble on an Intel mini, but I can totally see the arguments against dropping £400 on something you might not like.
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Dont know where your based Feek, but, if im within an Hours drive your more than welcome to come and spend as long as you want playing on my Macs.
Aye, based on that post and my post in the "3 people you want to meet" thread, Feek is going to think im a damn stalker... :p
MagicBoy, £270 for a G4 Mac is still a complete waste of money. They're slow and built on an obsolete platform.


Good way to dispel that Mac user myth. Before I got my Mac I knew zero people who had one, I made my mind up and took a gamble on an Intel mini, but I can totally see the arguments against dropping £400 on something you might not like.

Look at it as the OS with free hardware - hardly any more expensive than a proper copy of Vista Ultimate Plus XT edition. The G4 has still got better graphics than an Intel Mini and would make a decent HTPC. £180-200 and I'd buy one for that purpose. £270 is a tad on the expensive side I'll concede.

I know what you mean about the Mac User myth - I get plenty of ribbing from my colleagues at work. I'm not a typical Mac user. I worked for the purple shirt brigade when I was a student and bought a beat up old PowerMac 7200 from Loot to play around with because I liked the OS (8.1 fact fans).

Went on holiday to Florida 18 months ago, intending to pick up a Core Duo Thinkpad while I was there and impulse bought an MBP instead. No need to give reasons to the converted ;) No Parallels or Boot Camp at the time and hardly any non-Apple Universal apps around. I'd never used OS X before and had a play in the Apple Store and got some advice from the friendly locals. Based on my purchase there's at least 4 of my PC owning mates who have gone Apple (legitimately I might add) mostly 15" MBPs with the odd 24" iMac.

I'm still sticking by my guns. You want to use OS X - buy a Mac.
I'm still trying to work out why this thread was posted tbh.

I was thinking along the lines of Slogan.
'Now what?' is hardly a question that's specific or even suitable for a calculated response to what you are/were looking for. If you actually were looking some advice or help, the post wouldn't have been as vague as it was or still is.
It did seem as if it was posted to get a reaction from people who own macs.

For people who didn't see it before it was edited, there was basically a screenshot of os x with system profiler up which showed a 6600 @ 4ghz in a vmware window. The text said something along the lines of "I've done this <img> now what?"

So what response was the person who made the thread expecting?
That's a 30 second tryout or at most ten minutes or so. Hardly enough really, is it?

Feek the Apple retail stores have Personal Shopping services now, they are an hour each, free and you can have as many as you want!

I would definitely reccommend trying to get down to a local Apple store at a quiet time of the week and experiencing this service, it really is a reat free service, you get to use OS X and have the benefit of having someone to answer any of your questions etc.
Wow, some mac users don't like "their" OS running on non mac hardware do they...:confused:

Don't see the big deal in it personally. He went to all the trouble to do it to try it out. Its a very valid point if he wants to try out the OS before he buys. He's not just having to buy the OS he has to buy the hardware aswell.

Anyway, hope you have fun with it feek! How much were you looking to spend if you liked it?

For people who didn't see it before it was edited, there was basically a screenshot of os x with system profiler up which showed a 6600 @ 4ghz in a vmware window. The text said something along the lines of "I've done this <img> now what?"

There was also a screenshot before that one, it showed just the desktop with an OS X x86 DVD mounted. :)

I guess I know where I won't be welcome if/when I get a Mac for any hints, tips or advice.



The problem with running OS X anywhere other than on a Mac is you are not going to get the best experience and so not see a true representation of how well OS X and Macs go together. I think that what has got a few peoples backs up.

Please go to an Apple store and have a go. They normally have Macs on display that you can just use. Book an appointment to have a Mac Genius (or whatever they are called) to go over OS X and Macs with you. It's worth laying out the cash for a Mac if you need a new computer.

Please don't give up on the idea. Why not head over to and have a look in the Switcher forum.
To be fair, it's actually working incredibly well in a VM and as far as I know, I've had no real problems with it. The experience is not a bad one.

I'm now looking to find a second hand Intel C2D Mini for around the £400 mark - I'd like the 2GHz version but I think I'll struggle to get one for that price.
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