NP: The now playing thread

Sia on graham norton.

What the hell is this ****?

This passes for music these days? = mindblown.

Edit..and she keeps her back to the camera and hides her face! LOL wut?

I just watched the norton show too. The song isn't bad tbh, but the woman dancing on the show (clearly much older and not the girl in the video) was hideous, I thought it was a joke at first. And yeah, very strange with Sia standing in the background singing with her back to the audience and being interviewed like that too. But no doubt that gimmick of not showing her face will make her famous, which is exactly what she doesn't want (so she says).

The girl in the video is possibly borderline child porn.

There's also Perpetual which is the sequel to the above and is 8 hours long. Perpetual - A Somnium Continuum comes on Blu Ray as it also includes Somnium as well for a total of 15 hours of ambient music. Crazy. I'll probably buy it for the sake of buying it as a collector piece, but I'll have no way of listening to it as I have no intention to get a Blu Ray player in the forseeable future. And I'm not sure I want to pay $21 dollars for just the download as well.
Royal Blood (self titled)

Epic debut album. Seriously great, especially for a duo.
I'm hearing White Stripes, Led Zepplin and Queens of the Stone Age in this.
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