NP: The now playing thread

Ah man, DM... absolutely love them! When I first heard the new single "Where's The Revolution" I was feeling a little underwhelmed. First listen is just bad but after that it definately grows on you. Not one of their best by a long shot but a good track nonetheless.

Also love The Mission (or if you prefer, Mission UK).

My playlist is currently Elvis Presley :)
Ah man, DM... absolutely love them! When I first heard the new single "Where's The Revolution" I was feeling a little underwhelmed. First listen is just bad but after that it definately grows on you. Not one of their best by a long shot but a good track nonetheless.

Also love The Mission (or if you prefer, Mission UK).

My playlist is currently Elvis Presley :)

I was tempted to post the Missions version of Like A Hurricane (as posted above) :)

Ah, what the hell :)

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Josh Doyle is back with new stuff and touring the UK for the next couple of months!

So talented and so overlooked, love the venue for this video!

Wow........just wow. New Anathema track from their upcoming new album 'The Optimist'

I've not listed to a more sweeping track than this for some considerable time:-

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