NP: The now playing thread

Really enjoying Larkin Poe at the moment; talented musicians, well-versed in blues and rock 'n' roll sensibilities. They do a lot of covers, but aren't just a covers band. These two are built right. A small sample:

The Zerospace album is pretty decent it contains the second link. The first album Trickster from which the first link is from is a bit of an acquired taste.

From Trickster

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Still jamming Larkin Poe - found a solid recording of one of their recent gigs on YouTube at a little blues club in North Carolina; one of my favourite finds in recent times, so much authenticity to their work.

Other than that, I've been enjoying Thin Lizzy's greatest hits:

The intro to Angel of Death sounds like it could have been taken straight from Rainbow's 'Rising' album, particularly Tarot Woman.
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