Number plates for cyclists...

I guess that's just part of being a different generation, being 40+ is pretty much the last generation to respect authority and the police or maybe that's just me.
Definitely not just you. Respect for authority seems to have gone the way of the Dodo. Infact respect of any kind appears to have gone that way.
Since they introduced the 1.5 meter law for cars giving distance to bikes I still get them flying past me at less than a meter

I personally think most motorists have no idea, I'm constantly telling my wife off when she's near a cyclist.
Last week she was going to overtake a cyclist round a blind bend so I stopped her quickly and lo and behold a car came round the corner.
I said would you have done that if it was a car riding at 25mph?
Many motorists know what they're doing when they get close but I think the vast majority have no idea.
Many a time in the past I've shouted through their windows "do you know how close you were to me" and they look gobsmacked.
Nowadays I just leave it, if they haven't hurt me it's not worth fighting about it.
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