Nurburgring May 2006 Details

the nurburgring provides very quick recovery from any hangover like symptoms.

on the autumn visit we only got hammered on the last night as we werent driving on the ring the next day (what a strange swiss man he was too! ;) )

the january one was a bit messier and dave got plenty of nurburg souvenirs!
Firestar_3x said:
Cheers fella, good job and all, just hope the road aint busy come 2am ;)
Very quiet road, the only thing it's ever busy with late at night is parked cars, often rather nice ones. I remember coming out one evening to find seven 8-series beemers parked up!

It'll take something special to top the CLK DTM that was in the car park on my last trip however.
Right Lads,

Guest House is booked (24th till 29th), phoned and e-mailed so many places hard to find a room --->


Map showing distance apart from eachother --->


Few km drive but that won't be a problem tbh, better than staying in a tent!

So thats me n el sorted in terms of a place to sleep and eat int the morning!

edit ---> Oh yea, be a darling dave, put us both on the deffos list start-o-thread ;)
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is that the closest place you could find with a vacancy :eek:

who is the designated driver then for evening entertainment! :p
TomO said:
is that the closest place you could find with a vacancy :eek:

who is the designated driver then for evening entertainment! :p

Yep, totally everyplace was booked up :(

Will take it in turns, going through the black forest at 2am with the roof down will be fun :p

The hotel directions are cool, it actually says watch out for the very tight hairpin bends ;) oh yes!
Firestar_3x said:
Lol, not 100% sure on sams situation yet, he was going to have a chat with ian about it!

Sam is waiting to hear from his manager if he can have the time off. Apparently May is a big month in the garden centre calendar :D

I got my passport last week. I have just got things like the warning triangle to buy, oh and book the ferry.
Cool, need to get me a checklist sorted out :

Phoned up the insurance company ref : European fully comp insurance cover, i was ready to pass out with the quote tbh so i was sat down, only came back as £18.90 for the 5 days! I was like umm that does include the autobahn and unlimited toll roads, he was like yep does indeed, oh yes! :D

Still need to book the ferry, currently fitting and ordering bits for the car :cool:
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