Nurse arrested for murdering babies

18 Dec 2004
NE England
Are you devoid of critical thinking beyond the first thought of the tip of your spear?

Surely, surely you can see the differences. Surely you can see the logistical nightmare in allowing everyone to automatically appeal their convictions? Surely you see how supporting this would make justice in to an impossible ask?
22 Nov 2005
What's the strongest evidence against her the notes and I think maybe there were some weird texts?

Without them there's just statistical evidence than doesn't really prove anything either way? It's mostly just assumptions?

Will lessons be learnt?

I'd love to know why she did it if she did, wonder if she lost one and something just flipped in her brain.
The biological clock ticking and being jealous of everyone else having babies and seemingly in a nice relationship etc?

or just pure evil and malicious.
17 Oct 2002
Panting like a fiend
What's the strongest evidence against her the notes and I think maybe there were some weird texts?

Without them there's just statistical evidence than doesn't really prove anything either way? It's mostly just assumptions?

Will lessons be learnt?

I'd love to know why she did it if she did, wonder if she lost one and something just flipped in her brain.
The biological clock ticking and being jealous of everyone else having babies and seemingly in a nice relationship etc?

or just pure evil and malicious.
Also IIRC the statistical stuff...

IE how many of the babies died/nearly died when she was in as opposed to anyone else (I'm guessing they have a lot of records for that given how many neonatal ICU beds there are and the number of babies going through them on a yearly basic at both that hospital and others).

And her behaviour in regards to the parents of the dead babies.

At the very least it was statically very odd, and her behaviour was exceptionally abnormal even before you look at anything else.
5 Jan 2011
Our judicial system is VERY fair in these regards so no, nothing more needs to be done here. The judgement will be publicised in due course.
2 Dec 2022
Also IIRC the statistical stuff...

IE how many of the babies died/nearly died when she was in as opposed to anyone else (I'm guessing they have a lot of records for that given how many neonatal ICU beds there are and the number of babies going through them on a yearly basic at both that hospital and others).

And her behaviour in regards to the parents of the dead babies.

At the very least it was statically very odd, and her behaviour was exceptionally abnormal even before you look at anything else.
There are lies, damned lies, and statistics. People have been falsely convicted numerous times before because the "expert witness" didn't understand statistics or failed to account for something.
21 Jan 2010
This is my expertise, gathering evidence for NHS incidents which go to trial.
I know how all health records and other forms fit together and my department have had more evidence of this case than the normal public have and she is 100% guilty, anybody who thinks differently has got a screw loose.
This trial went on for a long time with experts bought in at every stage so the Jury could understand, no stone was unturned.
That's besides the medical records planted at her house, plus her confessions on notes and dozens of other staff who would have been in on it.

Lots of SUIs and Reg28s?

Guess what I used to do!
18 Mar 2008
Considering how sadistic and evil NHS management (well any management really) can be I can't wholly just swallow the idea that she's guilty without doubt. To put it another way if it turns out 20 years from now that it was a load of garbage I won't be shocked.
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Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
Considering how sadistic and evil NHS management (well any management really) can be I can't wholly just swallow the idea that she's guilty without doubt. To put it another way if it turns out 20 years from now that it was a load of garbage I won't be shocked.

It wasn't management that were working with her, it was other Clinicians including Doctors, Nurses etc.
She was on duty at every incident where other clinicians were only at several.
This would mean that several staff would have to work together to cause the incidents so it looked like Letby was at all of them.
She took medical records home of the babies in the incidents.
She is 100% guilty.
8 Jan 2004
It wasn't management that were working with her, it was other Clinicians including Doctors, Nurses etc.
She was on duty at every incident where other clinicians were only at several.
This would mean that several staff would have to work together to cause the incidents so it looked like Letby was at all of them.
She took medical records home of the babies in the incidents.
She is 100% guilty.
Yeah management were covering for right left and centre, burying the concerns and threatening GMC referrals. Got away Scott free too.
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