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Nvidia 320.18 WHQL Display Driver is Damaging GPUs

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15 Nov 2011
using 320.18, GIGABYTE GTX 670 SLI.

Only game that had any problems was battlefield 3, looked similar to the screenshot previously posted, it would play fine then gradually problems start to appear like the screenshot or if I alt-tabbed it would happen straight away. I did not have any problems with any other games (CS:GO, FIFA, TF2).

I changed one thing in NVidia settings. Multi screen performance to single screen performance. I've had no problems with bf3 since.
4 Jul 2012
Agreed it just all seems a bit overblown and exaggerated. If not in warranty I would roll back the drivers just to be safe.

However much Nvidia screw over us customers I cannot see them deliberately releasing a driver that kills cards like has been claimed.

It seems there have been a few issues that have been exaggerated and now everyone is all of a sudden having issues ?

I'm just not convinced there is a big an issue as that has materialised over the last couple of days.

It's quite the coincidence that this has happened 3 times already, coinciding with the release of a new (well rebranded) set of products don't you think?

I'm very surprised at the apologists over this considering the way they act over AMD drivers.
24 Sep 2008
Essex innit!
It's quite the coincidence that this has happened 3 times already, coinciding with the release of a new (well rebranded) set of products don't you think?

I'm very surprised at the apologists over this considering the way they act over AMD drivers.

You are generalising the whole forum to suit your argument. We know you dislike Nvidia, so anything you say will never be anything other than derogatory to them.
4 Jul 2012
You are generalising the whole forum to suit your argument.
Where, when and how? :confused:
We know you dislike Nvidia, so anything you say will never be anything other than derogatory to them.

See, this is your issue. You know I dislike them so in your own head you'll read anything I say about them as derogatory.

This isn't however the case. I've said plenty of non-derogatory things about them. It just happens to be the case that a lot of what they do, I find distasteful.
24 Sep 2008
Essex innit!
Where, when and how? :confused:

See, this is your issue. You know I dislike them so in your own head you'll read anything I say about them as derogatory.

This isn't however the case. I've said plenty of non-derogatory things about them. It just happens to be the case that a lot of what they do, I find distasteful.

I'm very surprised at the apologists over this considering the way they act over AMD drivers.

You are clearly saying anyone that is happy with the drivers (or voiced an opinion) talks smack over AMD drivers, which clearly isn't the case.

And I have never seen anything positive you have to say over Nvidia. Maybe I missed that one time?
30 Nov 2011
It's quite the coincidence that this has happened 3 times already, coinciding with the release of a new (well rebranded) set of products don't you think?

I'm very surprised at the apologists over this considering the way they act over AMD drivers.

as an nvidia owner, obviously reading headlines that a driver might be killing cards is a cause for concern

having investigated the issue myself, I've satisfied myself that I don't have anything to worry about

other people with nvidia cards are free to draw their own conclusions

I'm not defending nvidia, I'm simply saying that based on the evidence presented to me and my own testing, on the balance of probabilities, that the headline is melodramatic

to change nvidia drivers the steps are "download drivers > install drivers"

often on my AMD machine I have to manually uninstall old drivers and run driver sweeper, or reinstall windows... my preference for future purchases would still be for nvidia based on this experience
22 Sep 2006
as an nvidia owner, obviously reading headlines that a driver might be killing cards is a cause for concern

having investigated the issue myself, I've satisfied myself that I don't have anything to worry about

other people with nvidia cards are free to draw their own conclusions

I'm not defending nvidia, I'm simply saying that based on the evidence presented to me and my own testing, on the balance of probabilities, that the headline is melodramatic

to change nvidia drivers the steps are "download drivers > install drivers"

often on my AMD machine I have to manually uninstall old drivers and run driver sweeper, or reinstall windows... my preference for future purchases would still be for nvidia based on this experience

I never had any problems with AMD drivers even installing over the top,Nvidia ironically give me more issues,having said that I buy from either camp just like I have hardware from both sides.
4 Jul 2012
as an nvidia owner, obviously reading headlines that a driver might be killing cards is a cause for concern

having investigated the issue myself, I've satisfied myself that I don't have anything to worry about

other people with nvidia cards are free to draw their own conclusions

I'm not defending nvidia, I'm simply saying that based on the evidence presented to me and my own testing, on the balance of probabilities, that the headline is melodramatic

to change nvidia drivers the steps are "download drivers > install drivers"

often on my AMD machine I have to manually uninstall old drivers and run driver sweeper, or reinstall windows... my preference for future purchases would still be for nvidia based on this experience

But that's the wrong attitude to have isn't it? This is a bit more than sloppy drivers causing bugs in games, which is typically the sort of driver issue people will experience.

But ones that are actually killing cards is quite a serious thing. It's hardly melodramatic to be very wary of them, especially considering how hard it is to get nVidia to take responsibility for such things.

For example, the GPU hardware issues they had that affected so many laptop GPUs, nVidia were pretending it wasn't happening for ages, I don't even know if they ever actually acknowledged it, but it took a class action lawsuit for anything to be done.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Earlier this year when I had a pair of 7950. :)

Off the top of my head per title profiles never worked correctly and just try setting custom resolutions or refresh rates with CCC.

That's ignoring the fact AMD REALLY need to employ decent UXI expert to redesign the thing. It looks bad which gives a bad first impression to new owners used to NVs control panel. Like I keep saying it is silly things like that which keep letting them down. The drivers themselves are fine, and have been IMO since I owned a 4870x2 from launch.

Really? you can't set custom refresh rates with CCC :rolleyes:, That's RP.

Simple, ergonomic and all of it works perfectly.
30 Dec 2011
This is like a mirror of the "All AMD single GPUS have crap frame times", mountain out of molehile incident at the start of the year.

Ironically it was the Nvidia fans that had "our best interests" at heart back then. They were only warning us that our smooth experience was actually a lie and we were deluding ourselves. Of course no matter how many times AMD GPU users said "I'm not getting any such problems with my single AMD 7xx0" we were told we we're "just the lucky ones". Now we have AMD fans "helping" Nvidia fans by overblowing an issue to almost epic proportions.

Like then, this is just a simple bad driver that will be fixed in time.

The cycle will continue... carry on.
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30 Nov 2011
But that's the wrong attitude to have isn't it? This is a bit more than sloppy drivers causing bugs in games, which is typically the sort of driver issue people will experience.

But ones that are actually killing cards is quite a serious thing. It's hardly melodramatic to be very wary of them, especially considering how hard it is to get nVidia to take responsibility for such things.

I haven't seen any compelling evidence that actually says that these drivers are killing cards, they definitely haven't killed mine

whether or not AMD drivers are actually killing hardware is rather moot, as my 7970m laptop is little more than a house brick in effect due to all the issues I have with it in trying to actually play games - I get better frame rates by just using the intel HD
4 Jul 2012
I haven't seen any compelling evidence that actually says that these drivers are killing cards, they definitely haven't killed mine

whether or not AMD drivers are actually killing hardware is rather moot, as my 7970m laptop is little more than a house brick in effect due to all the issues I have with it in trying to actually play games - I get better frame rates by just using the intel HD

That wasn't really my point. I'm saying that when the issue is potentially dead hardware, it's not worth the risk.

Your 7970M issue is an issue with Clevo/Enduro isn't it? It's just that the issue is affecting the use of your 7970M.
4 Jul 2012
This is like a mirror of the "All AMD single GPUS have crap frame times", mountain out of molehile incident at the start of the year.

Ironically it was the Nvidia fans that had "our best interests" at heart back then. They were only warning us that our smooth experience was actually a lie and we were deluding ourselves. Of course no matter how many times AMD GPU users said "I'm not getting any such problems with my single AMD 7xx0" we were told we we're "just the lucky ones". Now we have AMD fans "helping" Nvidia fans by overblowing an issue to almost epic proportions.

Like then, this is just a simple bad driver that will be fixed in time.

The cycle will continue... carry on.

The issue is that some nVidia folk ignore any driver things that happen and pass it off as nothing or even imaginary at times.

Or even when they don't, it's soon forgotten about to continue on moaning about how they don't touch AMD because of drivers.
30 Dec 2011
The issue is that some nVidia folk ignore any driver things that happen and pass it off as nothing or even imaginary at times.

Or even when they don't, it's soon forgotten about to continue on moaning about how they don't touch AMD because of drivers.

Only the ones who refuse to hear anything bad about their pet faceless company. There are plenty of Nvidia users in this thread who have clarified they had issues with these drivers and reverting to older drivers fixed the problem.

Though feel free to bring up these kinds of problems a moron declares Nvidia drivers as never causig problems. :)
26 May 2009
This is a bit more than sloppy drivers causing bugs in games, which is typically the sort of driver issue people will experience.

Actually aside from speculation the isn't really any proof that it's more than that.

But ones that are actually killing cards is quite a serious thing.

Do you actually know anyone that's happened too? I'm interested as this whole thing appeared to be hyped/scare mongered to the hills, all I have seen see is people who have had issues including what appears to be hardware problems and fixed it by clearing all traces of the new drivers, people who have had issues including what appears to be hardware problems and RMA'd the card without bothering to clear all traces of the new drivers, and people who have coincidentally lost an 8k/200/400 series card the same month they installed the new drivers (and lets face it what exactly is going to have changed for obsolete cards in a driver update? I doubt the amount of those cards failing this month is any worse than the month before its just now there's reason to rave about it).
4 Jul 2012
Only the ones who refuse to hear anything bad about their pet faceless company. There are plenty of Nvidia users in this thread who have clarified they had issues with these drivers and reverting to older drivers fixed the problem.

Though feel free to bring up these kinds of problems a moron declares Nvidia drivers as never causig problems. :)

Of course, that's what I meant by some nVidia users. :p
4 Jul 2012
Actually aside from speculation the isn't really any proof that it's more than that.

Do you actually know anyone that's happened too? I'm interested as this whole thing appeared to be hyped/scare mongered to the hills, all I have seen see is people who have had issues including what appears to be hardware problems and fixed it by clearing all traces of the new drivers, people who have had issues including what appears to be hardware problems and RMA'd the card without bothering to clear all traces of the new drivers, and people who have coincidentally lost an 8k/200/400 series card the same month they installed the new drivers (and lets face it what exactly is going to have changed for obsolete cards in a driver update? I doubt the amount of those cards failing this month is any worse than the month before its just now there's reason to rave about it).

It's not really about nVidia, if AMD released a driver that was reportedly killing cards, I'd keep well away, even though my cards are in warranty, I'd rather not take the risk- seems the sensible thing to do.

Sure, it could be a coincidence, but from what I've read, it's too much of a risk even if it is a coincidence.
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