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NVIDIA 4000 Series

19 Sep 2022
HUB are not saying that the range of options should be reduced, my take is that they are saying there is a market for 8Gb cards, but only at the entry level and not for products that are priced at $400/£400ish.
thats exactly what doesnt work here, its a very hypothetical way of looking at things, short of forming a gamers' union

edit: a better framework to judge the value of 4060 ti 8gb variant would be to line up all cards presently in circulation priced not greater than $400 (launch prices) and then suggest the best, but i think its going to be a bit difficult these days with how these cards have become too complex to rank with RT and upscaling and all that jazz, no single score to base your decision on no more. this video by HUB somehow gives a very confusing message
Last edited:
21 Jun 2011
The real issue is almost certainly the 8 lanes.

They shouldn’t sidestep that altogether, and should also be using 16 full lanes as a comparison. The lesser number of lanes will likely also create latency issues regardless of PCI-E generation.

However, to HUB’s credit, they appear to be the only ones who even mentioned the 8 lane limitation, amongst the ubiquitous other reviewers who are using the 4060 Ti models as VRAM comparisons.

That did of course lead to the basis for this video in the first place. :o
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