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NVIDIA 4000 Series

22 Mar 2017
Im actually beginning to think its a Nvidia driver issue with older AMD cpus. My time spy scores are awful too
That’s weird. I’m getting 13,777 with a 10700k.

My graphics score is 19,000+ and my CPU score is lower than yours.

The frequencies showing for my 4090 are lower than yours too!
win 11 2H22 issue
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3 May 2007
Just got my priority code from nvidia and decided to go for it! Had to get a new case as its going to be too much hassle fitting in my formd t1 so I've gone for an nr200 max, will the 850w psu be ok? I'm coming from a water-cooled 3080ti and I game on a 3440x1400 ultrawide as well as vr on the quest 2 so I'm hoping for a nice boost.
You will need to purchase another power cable from coolermaster as it only comes with 2 in the max but there is a port for another. Be interested in how you get on as I have that case and would love a 4090.
6 Feb 2019
Heaven 4 @2160p is not bottlenecked in the slightest and a challenge even for a 4090

I said GPU bottlenecked, do you even know what bottleneck means? It means that component is the thing holding back an even higher framerate - so if you had a 5090 the fps would be even higher, as in it doesn't matter what cpu you use in heaven so you can't compare heaven to a actual game with AI and physics that requires CPU cycles

Anyway go look at hardware unboxed's 13900k review they just retested all their CPUs with the rtx4090 and the 4090 with a 5600x runs over 30% slower than a 7950x/13900k and the 4090 paired with a 3600x runs over 60% slower than a 7950x/13900k
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28 Mar 2018
Any of you 4090 owners heard of a bloke on Youtube called Bang4buck pc gamer? whenever i get a new graphics card i watch his videos but i can never get as many FPS as him sometime he gets miles more than me i wonder if any of you lads can beat him he must have some special sauce his cards always run really cool and boost really well as well.
22 Mar 2017
Any of you 4090 owners heard of a bloke on Youtube called Bang4buck pc gamer? whenever i get a new graphics card i watch his videos but i can never get as many FPS as him sometime he gets miles more than me i wonder if any of you lads can beat him he must have some special sauce his cards always run really cool and boost really well as well.
yeah i watched him many times. Also hes gpu usage is always 98% without drops.Always. When i am comparing with mine pc lol :) For example Far Cry 6. And yes many more fps idnktwhy.
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19 Sep 2020
I have a 5950X and get a higher score on the superposition with my 3090 than I do with the 4090 overclocked past 3100 MHz using the settings defined for the benchmark here. IMO totally bottlenecked. I've ordered a 13900k 7200mhz ram and a Z790 because of it. Plus I have a 240hz 4k monitor and feel DLSS with the 5950X will hold me back
Anyway go look at hardware unboxed's 13900k review they just retested all their CPUs with the rtx4090 and the 4090 with a 5600x runs over 30% slower than a 7950x/13900k and the 4090 paired with a 3600x runs over 60% slower than a 7950x/13900k
Getting the 5800X3D rn cuz of this vid lol
1 Dec 2011
I have a 5950X and get a higher score on the superposition with my 3090 than I do with the 4090 overclocked past 3100 MHz using the settings defined for the benchmark here. IMO totally bottlenecked. I've ordered a 13900k 7200mhz ram and a Z790 because of it. Plus I have a 240hz 4k monitor and feel DLSS with the 5950X will hold me back
You’ve spent all that money to score higher in a benchmark?
24 Sep 2013
Exmouth, Devon
I'm not getting a window mate. Going for full enclosed as I have a home cinema. Need zero light :D

Guess what I'm getting at is that for a bit more money ~£30, you can have the latest PSU also to top off your latest PC. The transient spikes catered for with ATX 3.0 going forward would be a safe bet. One dedicated connector from PSU to GPU as intended. 16-pin PCIe 5.0 12VHPWR power connector

Bit odd you see the first to stock for ATX 3 is GFX card manufacturers. Established PSU manufacturers sidestepped. :(
18 Apr 2010
Any of you 4090 owners heard of a bloke on Youtube called Bang4buck pc gamer? whenever i get a new graphics card i watch his videos but i can never get as many FPS as him sometime he gets miles more than me i wonder if any of you lads can beat him he must have some special sauce his cards always run really cool and boost really well as well.
I sometimes wonder if he lowers some settings to get a higher score as his scores seem suss.
Man of Honour
21 May 2012
Dalek flagship
I said GPU bottlenecked, do you even know what bottleneck means? It means that component is the thing holding back an even higher framerate - so if you had a 5090 the fps would be even higher, as in it doesn't matter what cpu you use in heaven so you can't compare heaven to a actual game with AI and physics that requires CPU cycles

Anyway go look at hardware unboxed's 13900k review they just retested all their CPUs with the rtx4090 and the 4090 with a 5600x runs over 30% slower than a 7950x/13900k and the 4090 paired with a 3600x runs over 60% slower than a 7950x/13900k

Yes I do know what bottleneck means but I am not sure that you do.

Don't forget that I have spent many years on these forums looking at 10s of thousands of hardware results updating benching threads.

One of the major factors with bottlenecks is what resolution is being used.

@2160p in Heaven 4 the 4090 is not being bottlenecked, you only have to compare it to the other results to see that.

In my original reply to you I asked if you could post links to what you are claiming, this you have not done yet.

Can you post some 2160p results links using different CPUs please.
7 Dec 2010
Yes I do know what bottleneck means but I am not sure that you do.

Don't forget that I have spent many years on these forums looking at 10s of thousands of hardware results updating benching threads.

One of the major factors with bottlenecks is what resolution is being used.

@2160p in Heaven 4 the 4090 is not being bottlenecked, you only have to compare it to the other results to see that.

In my original reply to you I asked if you could post links to what you are claiming, this you have not done yet.

Can you post some 2160p results links using different CPUs please.

Don't worry about it Kaap, I'm still waiting for his so called reviews he's seen that a 4090 beats dual 3090s in certain games that use the 3090s in SLI. So far from my testing and comparing I'm not seeing it even on a 5950x at stock and 3090s at stock. Also have first hand testing now that 2 x 3090s are still faster for my work than a single 4090 and still faster in some games and benchmarks that can use both the 3090s.

He throws out stuff and never shows proof or backs it up in a logical way.
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OcUK Staff
20 Feb 2012
John Smiths Stadium
You’ve spent all that money to score higher in a benchmark?
If that's your bag and your money why not??

Those above at 1440p and even 4k of course the cpu can be a bottleneck in benches with 4090. Found this all day long in my own testing... I have tested like 7 different 4090 and every gen cpu launched in the last 4 years... No need to argue with people about these topics... Only believe your own results...
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8 Sep 2020
Any of you 4090 owners heard of a bloke on Youtube called Bang4buck pc gamer? whenever i get a new graphics card i watch his videos but i can never get as many FPS as him sometime he gets miles more than me i wonder if any of you lads can beat him he must have some special sauce his cards always run really cool and boost really well as well.
I do enjoy his video but am able to beat some of his score as long as its not cpu limited :cry:


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