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NVIDIA 4000 Series

7 Dec 2010
I can't give you a link. However, I suspect it is OK to tell you that both of them are £1699 ea.

They were that on release day too and the suprim X £1749.99 .. Just some retailers are playing silly games. Many of the AIBS were the same price as the FE on release and some of the better AIB cards were £50-100 more not including the strix as that was £2k because of ASUS TAX or retailer gouging as they know they are popular.
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12 May 2014
They were that on release day too and the suprim X £1749.99 .. Just some retailers are playing silly games. Many of the AIBS were the same price as the FE on release and some of the better AIB cards were £50-100 more not including the strix as that was £2k because of ASUS TAX or retailer gouging as they know they are popular.
Sounds like retailers tried to raise prices, but the whales weren't biting so they've lowered it again.
7 Dec 2010
Sounds like retailers tried to raise prices, but the whales weren't biting so they've lowered it again.

Yes or they got a lot of returns with people realising they had been ripped off compared to what others paid for them and what other retailers were charging.

Karma really... if that's what happened. This whole price gouging thing has become nothing more than criminal. What goes around will come around for such places in time, loosing all their customers they had before because people see threw it in time and never go back.
28 May 2020
They were that on release day too and the suprim X £1749.99 .. Just some retailers are playing silly games. Many of the AIBS were the same price as the FE on release and some of the better AIB cards were £50-100 more not including the strix as that was £2k because of ASUS TAX or retailer gouging as they know they are popular.
Yeah I noticed that. I also noticed the Suprim x increase by £100 from the same retailer within 1 hour of launch while they were still in stock ..
16 Jun 2004
What are peoples expectations for the 4080? I have heard some people say it will be almost as powerful, but to me it looks shockingly underpowered compared to the 4090. Then again, I have no idea what I am talking about. Lol.

Theres a reason why Nvidia has led with the 4090 launch, because they know every card below it represents a terrible value proposition from a performance increase to price increase ratio over the 30xx cards....
20 Jan 2005
Co Durham
Nice… someone sold their GFE GPU invite link for £100 on eBay.

When i saw they were doing GFE invites i did wonder if they would appear on EBAY

But i would never buy one from ebay. Its risky you will lose £1700.

Reason been the code is tied to the invite email. If that person already has an account at **** when the FE is ordered, the order appears on that persons **** account and they can get the delivery address changed before it ships.

Hence why I was happy to order mine with a code from somebody I knew but he emailed me all the order confirmation and shipping details from his **** account and even joked he could have got it delivered to himself and there would have been nothing I could have done to stop him.
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