I hear you and I guess I am just trying to take him at face value. I can’t disagree with your sentiments but I just didn’t get the impression he set out to scalp when he purchased the card. It ****** me off but then it also really annoys me nVidia cause this to a certain degree with they way manipulate supply.^.... this was his first post on the topic and from there on you can read. He doesn't understand he's a scalper and clearly purchased it to scalp and if not will be sent back in the return period, he had no intention of keeping it even from his first post he states that and then moves on later to make excuses that he purchased a water block and cablemod cables for it...
Seriously... It's right there what he had planned for it. To scalp it and then used these forums to highlight to people here he's selling it on ebay and gumtree for less than other sellers there now but still scalped, because his original scalped price was laughed at and now he's running out of time to scalp it a week he says before returning it for a refund.
No one should be defending this behaviour, I'm disgusted by it and by someone in our community again. The funny thing I and others on the FE drops let people know here and now sorry I won't be doing that as all I'm clearly tipping off scalpers to buy them.
And here again... clearly no intention of keeping it..
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