Some good points and I get where you are coming from. I don't doubt that some PC users will migrate to PS5, but I would bet that a lot of PC users will end up having both due to the difference in use cases. I know of very few PC players that want play an FPS or strategy game without a mouse and keyboard and in this regard PC is king with a wealth of content to choose form. You say strategy games aren't mainstream but I would diisagree with this... there is a huge market with lots of big games released in the last few years and lots more coming in 2021. The modding scene for many games is also huge and beautiful and even if you take all of these different niche genres and games and add them all together you get a huge amount of users.
I guess my takeaway point is that consoles are not going to cause the demise of the PC for the forseeable future. They both have their place and they both have enough users to support the respective industries. PC gaming is only getting bigger, esports is becoming an
actual sport, and in many respects a PC has no replacement as it is so versatile. I can do everything on one machine and that is hard to compete with... the price being the 3-5 yearly upgrades on average. However, the CPU/mobo need upgrading less frequently than the GPU.
It's not going to be so bad and we are all going to benefit from amazing hardware and amazing games in 2021 no matter wich platform we are on.