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NVIDIA ‘Ampere’ 8nm Graphics Cards

17 Feb 2006
Not talking about 90s though - he said he's from the Atari 80s era - that's long before PC gaming was a thing.

Back then a console costed $300usd and the AAA games cost $30usd. Now let's convert that into 2020 money using inflation

That 1980 game consoles is $1000usd today and the games for it are $100usd today.

But in 2020 we aren't paying this price, our game consoles $350usd and games $60usd, like I said the 80s were the dark ages
OK, first I remember people playing Elite on PC in the 80s :p

Also in the (late) 80s, C64 games were literally about £4 or £5 each for the tapes (it also took cartridges but I never bought any).

The Atari 2600 games I honestly don't recall - was too young to be buying the games myself. Must have had that before the C64, and I would have been 6, 7 or 8 maybe at the time.

After those I had a MegaDrive circa 1991 and the games for that were £50 ish iirc? But the thing is, as with all consoles from that era onwards, we swapped the games at Game and CEX or whatever the shops were called back then. So you'd pay £20 or so iirc after trade in.


^^As you can see, console game prices don't appear to have changed much.

My first PC was either late 92 or 93. I think 92. 486 SX25 :p Sold the MegaDrive as a condition of being allowed the PC! (But kept the C64, naturally..)

And as said, games then were pretty damn cheap.
9 Nov 2009
Planet Earth
Yea, and let’s look at it from another point view. Nvidia shares have gone up massively. Profits are up. Should we be happy to be giving our hard earned money so the rich get richer?

If it was purely the case that prices are up only due to r&d then I would not have a problem with what you are saying, but that clearly is not the case at all.

Explain this, how is it that until the release of Turing prices were somewhat similar with each release looking at the dollar cost and taking inflation into account? Was it only with Turning that r&d budget increased? Was it only with Turing that the cost of smaller manufacturing process caused prices to go up?

Well if these people really want to have Nvidia jack up prices,then they should have zero problem if their work place freezes their pay(or they get taxed more). After all,expecting pay increases IS "entitlement",actually increases company overheads,and reduces shareholder value. Got to think of the company,right? Unless OFC you are employed by Nvidia or own shares in them,so I suspect you would want more margins at all cost! ;) :p
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16 Jan 2006
Not talking about 90s though - he said he's from the Atari 80s era - that's long before PC gaming was a thing.

Back then a console costed $300usd and the AAA games cost $30usd. Now let's convert that into 2020 money using inflation

That 1980 game consoles is $1000usd today and the games for it are $100usd today.

But in 2020 we aren't paying this price, our game consoles $350usd and games $60usd, like I said the 80s were the dark ages

Costed? Urrggh.

Tech goes down in price as it ages. Took me a while to get my spectrum 48k and my parents were OK for money.

TVs are stupidly cheap compared to say 15 years ago when a 50" 720p plasma was 5k.

Tech advances at a faster rate than prices and early adoption is a thing. RTX was awful as it forced everyone who wanted to ugrade/buy a brand new nvidia card to swallow the rtx early adoption tax.
17 Feb 2006
That's his opinion, not sense. If everyone followed that advice then nVidia/AMD might not be able to recoup the costs of development, and so would simply cease improving their products and just keep churning out RX580 level performance for eternity - all for the £300 he's willing to spend.

You're all just sore that the highest performing products are going to be out of the budget your wife lets you have. Sack up and tell her to get you a cuppa while you set aside a couple of grand for the latest hardware, and if she doesn't like it you will cut her spending money and you'll have less of her lip.

If £300 is all that you are willing to spend there's nothing wrong with that, you can get solid performance in many games for that by just lowering the settings a bit. But you will only get increased performance at that price because of other people who are willing to spend higher to push the envelope. It's those people who fund the increased development on these chips, which filters down to the mid-range and budget sectors. It's always been this way, and always will be, and is why an innovative society needs people with significant disposable income. You may not like it, it may make you run crying to your socialist teacher, but it's the truth.
Utter, utter nonsense.

The number of people with Titans is 0.00000001% of all GPU sales. Neither AMD nor nVidia are dependent on sales of gaming GPUs to keep them afloat either. nV are in AI and cars and whatnot, AMD have plenty of other pies also, including consoles.

And both AMD and nVidia were progressing with their R&D just fine when their very top-end cards were £600 and the mid-range was £150. Also their profit margins now are ridiculous.

Anyway, since yours is a troll post, mind if I ask: when will you stop beating your wife?
14 Aug 2017
Yeah, but a c64 was the entire computer system. Not just a video adapter.

Sure, but for £1400 now you can build a pretty good gaming PC, probably with a 2080 in it, or at least a 2070s (I have done it for less), not that that's the point I was making.

Don't really see the point when you can spend £400 on a console which plays the same games with equivalent graphics quality anyway.

Sure, and that's fine. I'm not trying to tell anyone they should, or what their budget should be. I do think it's silly to name drop the C64 when complaining bitterly about current hardware prices, though! Particularly while disparaging people who buy them, and calling the company evil.



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
Well if these people really want to have Nvidia jack up prices,then they should have zero problem if their work place freezes their pay(or they get taxed more). After all,expecting pay increases IS "entitlement",actually increases company overheads,and reduces shareholder value. Got to think of the company,right? Unless OFC you are employed by Nvidia or own shares in them,so I suspect you would want more margins at all cost! ;) :p
Yea. It is a little bizarre seeing these kind of posts. Yea let’s all just accept and be happy with whatever they want to charge. You know, because they are not a charity, yada yada.
17 Feb 2006
Sure, but for £1400 now you can build a pretty good gaming PC, probably with a 2080 in it, or at least a 2070s (I have done it for less), not that that's the point I was making.

Sure, and that's fine. I'm not trying to tell anyone they should, or what their budget should be. I do think it's silly to name drop the C64 when complaining bitterly about current hardware prices, though! Particularly while disparaging people who buy them, and calling the company evil.
Inflation doesn't work that way tho, or we'd be paying £20 for a loaf of bread.

Costs come down, due to progress, economies of scale, etc.

Just multiplying what we paid in the 80s by inflation and saying anything less that that must be a good deal is incredibly simplistic, and just plain wrong.
11 Jan 2016
Thinking younger generations have more disposable income is pretty delusional often held by the out of step middle classes , it's because we live in a economy which is built on debt, it doesn't matter if people can afford it they can get it on credit. This why the fact we are heading in to the biggest global recession we have ever seen it will have no impact on prices.

Yep. Cheap credit has contributed so much to the increase in price of a lot of things. Each to their own but I find it unbelievable seeing so many people spending 5% of their entire year's before tax income on a new phone.
14 Aug 2017
Inflation doesn't work that way tho, or we'd be paying £20 for a loaf of bread.

And we're not paying that for a C64, but it does work to approximate the impact on someone's pocket. People spent the equivalent *to them at the time* of £1400 in today's money on those machines

Just multiplying what we paid in the 80s by inflation and saying anything less that that must be a good deal is incredibly simplistic, and just plain wrong.

I'm not saying it's a good deal, that's up to you.

If you think I've been telling you it's a good deal, you have a reading comprehension problem. Whether it's worth the money is up to you.

What's not up to you is whether other people are idiots for spending a similar amount of cash on their hobby as people spent on the C64 back in the day, which you profess to have loved. And it's crazy entitled to demand a certain performance level at a set price on unreleased hardware, due to your own preconceptions about rough trends in hardware advances.

Unless you are a cutting-edge semiconductor design engineer, of course.
10 Apr 2013
Just because i paid over a grand (in today's money) for a computer in the 80s doesn't make me feel any better that a high end GPU in 2020 now costs that much. Or any more likely to spend that much on one :)
21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
Also in the (late) 80s, C64 games were literally about £4 or £5 each for the tapes (it also took cartridges but I never bought any).


^^As you can see, console game prices don't appear to have changed much.

My first PC was either late 92 or 93. I think 92. 486 SX25 :p Sold the MegaDrive as a condition of being allowed the PC! (But kept the C64, naturally..)

And as said, games then were pretty damn cheap.

I posted to this guy but the forum went down and it errored.

80s had £2.99 tape games, and you could re-use tapes galore - had TVs as monitors and the console was All-in not single component GPU. You could also type in games for free that code was provided for free in a magazine..
9 Nov 2009
Planet Earth
Yea. It is a little bizarre seeing these kind of posts. Yea let’s all just accept and be happy with whatever they want to charge. You know, because they are not a charity, yada yada.

Also neither are consumers charities too,as it goes both ways when you think about it. Except lots of companies feel like its a one way street,then act like charities when its suits them:

Look who is on the list! ;)

Plus the only time I ever heard anyone say to" think of a company" in the realworld,is to support a small local firm,for example. Even that is not that common. Never have I heard it for large foreign companies,which don't really have any real investment in our country.

They are literally argueing against stuff costing less,which is like being effectively paid less. Its literally asking to become poorer?? I expect none of these people buy anything at a sale(sales cost companies money,think of the poor company). Buy one,get one free,also reduces margins of suppliers,think of the poor supplier! When they buy a house,they offer more than the agreed price. After all the buyer isn't a charity - got to think of their margins right?? I really doubt anyone would act that way.

Just because i paid over a grand (in today's money) for a computer in the 80s doesn't make me feel any better that a high end GPU in 2020 new costs that much. Or any more likely to spend that much on one :)

Penicillin once cost a lot in the 1930s(before WW2 pushed prices down due to mass production),and aluminium was worth more than gold in the 19th century. Lets all pay old prices for it all,as its too cheap now! :p
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17 Feb 2006
@Jimmy Weirdarms I don't remember calling anyone an idiot, perhaps you can remind me by way of quoting where I said it.

I do remember saying mid-range buyers aren't going to swallow yearly price hikes like Jensen wants them to. £200 -> £300 -> £550 -> £700 (etc).

Price hikes, btw, that *far* out-pace inflation.

And your justification (or the other guy's) is that they need the money for R&D? You cannot be serious. The other guy even claimed that the price hikes are necessary for them to stay in business. Like anyone is falling for that..
10 Apr 2013
Yea. It is a little bizarre seeing these kind of posts. Yea let’s all just accept and be happy with whatever they want to charge. You know, because they are not a charity, yada yada.

Absolutely. They can charge whatever prices they feel are appropriate.

I'm sure some will pay for the privilege of having the best but personally I don't see the value in it.
9 Nov 2009
Planet Earth
@Jimmy Weirdarms I don't remember calling anyone an idiot, perhaps you can remind me by way of quoting where I said it.

I do remember saying mid-range buyers aren't going to swallow yearly price hikes like Jensen wants them to. £200 -> £300 -> £550 -> £700 (etc).

Price hikes, btw, that *far* out-pace inflation.

And your justification (or the other guy's) is that they need the money for R&D? You cannot be serious. The other guy even claimed that the price hikes are necessary for them to stay in business. Like anyone is falling for that..

I don't understand why they have a problem with prices being lower?? If they really are that concerned,we can get lower prices,and they can paypal a few £100 each time they buy a GPU/CPU to Nvidia/AMD/Intel. I am sure they won't say no to free money.
17 Feb 2006
Absolutely. They can charge whatever prices they feel are appropriate.

I'm sure some will pay for the privilege of having the best but personally I don't see the value in it.
It would be fine, absolutely fine, if the absolute top-end card was £50k for the select few that wanted it. Maybe all the people here could buy it to support poor, hard-working, perpetually broke Jensen and his struggling firm :p

The problem is the price hikes are ridiculous at all tiers, including so-called "mainstream" cards, which are now expected to pass £450!! Mainstream my butt!
10 Apr 2013
I do wonder how much the impending recession as a result of Coronavirus will impact sales and pricing of the new 3000 series cards?

Not to mention the new Playstation/Xbox coming out this year which are rumoured to be on a par with some pretty high end GPUs whilst costing less than a video card alone.
14 Apr 2014
I do wonder how much of an impact the impending recession as a result of Coronavirus will impact sales and pricing of the new 3000 series cards?

Not to mention the new consoles coming out this year which are rumoured to be on a par with some pretty high end GPUs whilst costing less than a video card alone.

Not with an economy built on debt, can't afford it? get a loan or pay on credit
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