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NVIDIA ‘Ampere’ 8nm Graphics Cards

I do wonder how much the impending recession as a result of Coronavirus will impact sales and pricing of the new 3000 series cards?

Not to mention the new Playstation/Xbox coming out this year which are rumoured to be on a par with some pretty high end GPUs whilst costing less than a video card alone.

Cheap debt and low interest rates means it won't affect it. They will do exactly as they planned pre covid.
I don't assume Nvidia's pricing is do to crazy margins. It may be just margins, but I also think we should consider the possibility that Nvidia just couldn't innovate effectively for the last gen like they normally have before.
How about your pension funds?
Ah the "pension fund" variant of "trickle-down economics".

"It's a fine thing for the rich to get richer - they pay your pensions!"

"It's a fine thing for the rich to get richer - that money will trickle down to the workers!"

It's all the same scam that only ever benefits the rich, every single time.

Nah, screw that. Not falling for that.
Ah the "pension fund" variant of "trickle-down economics".

"It's a fine thing for the rich to get richer - they pay your pensions!"

"It's a fine thing for the rich to get richer - that money will trickle down to the workers!"

It's all the same scam that only ever benefits the rich, every single time.

Nah, screw that. Not falling for that.

Actually it's kind of exposed the reasons why some of these people "want" higher prices. They are not interested in games,but more interested in managing their stock portfolio. It seems they probably own shares in companies,so are defending higher prices,means they get a higher return. Basically they want gamers to pay for their way in life. See,it makes more sense now,why they are so negative about prices going down.
Actually it's kind of exposed the reasons why some of these people "want" higher prices. They are not interested in games,but more interested in managing their stock portfolio. It seems they probably own shares in companies,so are defending higher prices,means they get a higher return. Basically they gamers to pay for their way in life. See,it makes more sense now,why they are so negative about prices going down.

Its unsustainable, you can't keep demanding more for what you offer. the bubble will burst eventually.
Its unsustainable, you can't keep demanding more for what you offer. the bubble will burst eventually.

The system is made to burst - they know its not sustainable.Boom and bust is an integral part of the system. Look what happened with the tech bubble 20 years ago? Its a Fiat money system built on debt. Its all about relative gains,not longterm investments which pensions are,which are getting raided to enrich certain people(IIRC,there is a big thread on here about it) despite record profits. The people who control this are the financial lot,who determine "what should be earned" and they are the same lot who made toxic debts into "investment packages" and caused the Great Recession.

The people who make the real money do it short term,as they get a quick return and will turn it into tangibles. This is why shorting is a thing. How much is made is not relevant,but the increase. Its why what Apple makes is NEVER enough - their shares have fallen when they actually made another record year but "missed" estimates.

So to increase those margins,so the stock price can go up,companies will jack up prices,and cut pay. Make stuff in cheaper and cheaper countries,etc. You see it with games too,ie,more and more DLCs,seasons passes,etc whilst the developers get squeezed more and more with terrible working conditions. But the companies are making huge profits,but its never enough. There will be another tech bubble crash at some point,and it will make the 2000s one look miniscule.

So now Joe and Jane Public are meant to then take whatever money they have and now "invest" it to get the money back by playing the stock market,instead of better pay and lower prices in the first place?? So take all the risk. You mean the same Joe and Jane public,who has to bare the brunt when the bubble bursts,and has to pay more taxes,have cuts in services,etc. There is a phrase for that "Privatising profits and socialising losses".
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@Jimmy Weirdarms I don't remember calling anyone an idiot, perhaps you can remind me by way of quoting where I said it.

I do remember saying mid-range buyers aren't going to swallow yearly price hikes like Jensen wants them to. £200 -> £300 -> £550 -> £700 (etc).

Price hikes, btw, that *far* out-pace inflation.

And your justification (or the other guy's) is that they need the money for R&D? You cannot be serious. The other guy even claimed that the price hikes are necessary for them to stay in business. Like anyone is falling for that..
Haha. He says things like “you have a reading comprehension problem” yet from what I can see he is the one with that exact problem as it seems to me he is constantly projecting. He ignores what is being said and bangs on about the same thing. Lol. Keeps going on about “cutting edge semiconductor design” like as if in the past all the way up to just before Turing Nvidia did not use “the cutting edge” at the time. Nvidia apologist :p:D
I do wonder how much the impending recession as a result of Coronavirus will impact sales and pricing of the new 3000 series cards?

Not to mention the new Playstation/Xbox coming out this year which are rumoured to be on a par with some pretty high end GPUs whilst costing less than a video card alone.

Yes, and games will be £60-70. That's where console gaming costs are balanced out to some extent.

Its unsustainable, you can't keep demanding more for what you offer. the bubble will burst eventually.
You can keep demanding more until lower sales and customer feedback tell you that people aren't buying it. Then you lower the price.

It ain't rocket science.
The cheapest i am aware of is the Black magic ursa mini pro 12k camera $10,000 - https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/blackmagicursaminipro
There are also cameras from sony and cannon that do 8k probably for a bit more money. Then you have the Reds at the top.

Most people who buy these will have their own lens.

I would expect that for TV broadcast/production they can afford a $10k camera.
Have any of your personal favourite films been shot in 8K? Are they good?
The cheapest i am aware of is the Black magic ursa mini pro 12k camera $10,000 - https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/blackmagicursaminipro
There are also cameras from sony and cannon that do 8k probably for a bit more money. Then you have the Reds at the top.

Most people who buy these will have their own lens.

I would expect that for TV broadcast/production they can afford a $10k camera.
Have any of your personal favourite films been shot in 8K? Are they good?
The cheapest i am aware of is the Black magic ursa mini pro 12k camera $10,000 - https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/blackmagicursaminipro
There are also cameras from sony and cannon that do 8k probably for a bit more money. Then you have the Reds at the top.

Most people who buy these will have their own lens.

I would expect that for TV broadcast/production they can afford a $10k camera.
Have any of your personal favourite films been shot in 8K? Are they good?
Ah the "pension fund" variant of "trickle-down economics".

"It's a fine thing for the rich to get richer - they pay your pensions!"

"It's a fine thing for the rich to get richer - that money will trickle down to the workers!"

It's all the same scam that only ever benefits the rich, every single time.

Nah, screw that. Not falling for that.

Actually it's kind of exposed the reasons why some of these people "want" higher prices. They are not interested in games,but more interested in managing their stock portfolio. It seems they probably own shares in companies,so are defending higher prices,means they get a higher return. Basically they want gamers to pay for their way in life. See,it makes more sense now,why they are so negative about prices going down.

This line of thinking is dripping in envy. Not buying a card because it might make rich people richer is a ridiculous reason not to buy something. If the product provides enough value to you for the asking price then it's silly not to purchase it because rich people might get richer. You are cutting off your nose to spite your face.

You would rather we have nothing so long as no one has more money than you? Because that's what will happen if people stop buying discretionary goods - they will stop being produced.

In a free market (and I am not for one minute suggesting we are living in a totally free market) people only get rich by providing other people with things they value. They can't force you to buy their products, and companies would rather sell a million units at £100 profit than 1000 at £1000 profit.

And to suggest that anyone here is arguing that higher prices is a good thing in and of itself is equally asinine. I'd love Titan RTX performance for £50 but it's not available for that price, no matter how much people moan on forums about it.
I'm looking to maybe move up to a 3080 when launched. I know it's a question no-one can answer definatelty but what are the chances my current PSU (Corsair non-modular 650W) will be up to the job? I've been offered an 850W one (at a cost) but not sure if I will "need" it.
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