So what you are saying is that 2080 Ti users aren't getting an upgrade option (non-RT use), as the 3090 product is a halo item, and therefore should be ignored by anyone who wants to upgrade?
Have Nvidia panicked? Have they been almost forced by themselves to push out a product into the mainstream, that shouldn't be in the mainstream, to in effect counter any potential competitiveness from other companies. Are they trying to save face before people even realise it needed to be saved? Should the 3090 have not existed yet is what I am asking, is this something they wanted to do but maybe in 6-9 months, just to ensure they have covered the single fastest GPU 100% without a shadow of a doubt?
The 2080 Ti + 5-10% at $799-899, also know as the 3080 (maybe), may not be what they wanted either, maybe the whole product stack is a bit of a hot mess.
You are trying to twist my words.
The 3090 is an upgrade, if you want it, for the 2080Ti. I think you would be crazy to "upgrade" but that is up to you. The 3080 will be an incremental upgrade. It's like buying a 1080, then selling it and buying a 1080Ti a few months later. Which I would guess that loads of people did, and Jen was delighted. Same with the 980 and 980Ti.
The 2080Ti was a halo item too. "Look, here are the RT cards !" and the 2080Ti was £1300+. How you would think that isn't the halo card? no idea. You could have had RT by using the 2060.
Yes I think Nvidia have indeed panicked. Hence all of the changes to how they do things. Usually you would have got the 3080 and 3070, pulled in the suckers then released the Ti or 3090 later, two paydays. And seriously, again if you don't think that is why they did that?...... I know plenty here who bought the 1080 and then bought the Ti a few months later. Mostly for their egos, but that is how Jen manages to "play" people, if he even does. He makes them feel inferior with lesser products. Hence why the first thing out of his mouth when he launches a new product is rubbishing the last one and making you feel like you must upgrade. Welcome to the world of sales.
The rumour has been, for ages and ages, that the big Navi would perform at least as fast as the 2080Ti. See the thread here, "Nvidia killer etc" and how old is it?
Nvidia will either know (through spies) or will be able to clearly and easily work out how AMD's products will perform. We can do it, it's a simple calculation and we can get a rough idea of the flops. That is why there are so many rumours that put the 3080 and 3090 where they are based on cuda cores, clocks etc. It's a simple mathematics equation and doesn't require rocket science.
You have to take what is happening into account. How Nvidia are doing this. It's different to anything since the GX 285. And they launched that to combat the 4890. So they know full well what they are doing, and why they are doing it this way.
As I said, usually 3080 and 3070 first at high prices. Then the Ti at a even higher price. Only, many stopped playing the game because look, let's be brutally honest here OK? they couldn't afford it. This forum has changed SO MUCH since the 10 series days it's not even funny. It used to be such a braggart's paradise but that all changed with the much higher prices of the 20 series. Many only liked the game because they could buy the highest end card and show off. When that became either uneconomical or they just didn't deem it as worth it as they had grown an ounce of common sense? it stopped. It did not, however, stop those who could afford it and don't post on forums buying it.
I'm not trying to upset any one, BTW. I just speak how I see it, and how it is. I am brand neutral to the extreme, and I don't care who is giving me what I want so long as I can get it at the price I want it at.