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Nvidia gameworks - Game over for you

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21 Nov 2014
South Wales
It certainly is for me! I'm very eager to upgrade to two top end AMD Polaris cards, but they need to sort their driver releases out. :)

Yes, but to be honest so do Nvidia. They are both much of a muchness in the driver stakes regardless of the amount of times AMD drivers get unfairly hammered by Nvidia users.

With just AMD in mind though you are right. There are very high profile points that AMD have to nail to show they are turning a corner in the way they conduct themselves and support their customers.

They need to sort the gameday drivers out (Not that I get every new game straight away, but there are lots that do) and they need to get a really good grip on the Xfire driver issues. If they can make good inroads into these then I think it will show that they are doing their utmost for AMD users. This will work doubly well if they show a much improved attitude in these areas if Nvidia do nothing in the same areas.

I have not had an SLI or Xfire setup (Two Voodoo 2 cards don't count) but the lack of driver support from both sides does not encourage me to double up on any card at the moment.
30 Nov 2011
I'm amazed that people arguing without even watchig the video, or watched it, then bashing the youtuber about the tests, and questioning drivers - when he clearly said the test he cites was run by GameGpu a russian site .http://gamegpu.ru/rpg/rollevye/fallout-4-beta-patch-1-3-test-gpu.html

They usuallymake really good bencmarks on games.

I have watched the video, as well as several others on his channel... They are, by and large, pro-AMD - anti-NVIDIA hit pieces where he takes reviews other people have done and then puts the very worst spin on it he possibly can... His DX12 anti NVIDIA video is hilarious in the assumptions he jumps to
4 Feb 2006
Being pro AMD doesn't make his evidence in the video any less valid. The proof for the claims made by him and AMD are there to see for the ones who are not blinded by Nvidia fanboyism. Too bad many here won't acknowledge the truth even when it stares them in the face.
29 Aug 2010
I'm still not sure why this thread hasn't been closed by mods, it's clearly a thread intending to bait the argument that it has.

I can only assume it's because it's a pro-AMD/anti-Nvidia thread that the mods have left it open.
There was a slightly negative AMD thread the other day about Richard Huddy's comment on 4GB HBM being better than 8GB GDDR5, but that got closed down for being repeated information.
This thread seem to have offer no new info that hasn't been cover in previous anti-Nvidia thread threads but has been left open.

Guess this is what I get for coming to what is basically an AMD forum...
24 Sep 2008
Essex innit!
Being pro AMD doesn't make his evidence in the video any less valid. The proof for the claims made by him and AMD are there to see for the ones who are not blinded by Nvidia fanboyism. Too bad many here won't acknowledge the truth even when it stares them in the face.

PCars runs on the CPU for AMD and Nvidia. He clearly states that it runs on the GPU for Nvidia. So yer, the guy should do his homework and he wouldn't look so silly and biased and a big AMD fanboy.
4 Apr 2011
Being pro AMD doesn't make his evidence in the video any less valid. The proof for the claims made by him and AMD are there to see for the ones who are not blinded by Nvidia fanboyism. Too bad many here won't acknowledge the truth even when it stares them in the face.

Christ almighty, do you think all Nvidia users are blind ?

How about this......Even if Nvidia was gimping AMD or their old cards, would I still buy Nvidia.... why yes. Even if Nvidia killed my dog, would I still buy their cards, yes I would. Think of any bad reason you can, I'd still buy their cards. Why ? Well because AMD are second rate, its as simple as that. There is actually no-one else to buy. Or do I not count as I'm an Nvidia fanboy ?
14 Feb 2011
I'm still not sure why this thread hasn't been closed by mods, it's clearly a thread intending to bait the argument that it has.

I can only assume it's because it's a pro-AMD/anti-Nvidia thread that the mods have left it open.
There was a slightly negative AMD thread the other day about Richard Huddy's comment on 4GB HBM being better than 8GB GDDR5, but that got closed down for being repeated information.
This thread seem to have offer no new info that hasn't been cover in previous anti-Nvidia thread threads but has been left open.

Guess this is what I get for coming to what is basically an AMD forum...

It's entertaining, it's what the gullible thrive off :p



3 Jan 2012
Not to mention every single Hardware Cannucks video on youtube starts with "brought to you with our partners Nvidia".


i dont understand them anyway :(
same reason i stopped watching Gold Rush, everytime the strong canadian accent come up i needed subtitles!
18 Oct 2002
PCars runs on the CPU for AMD and Nvidia. He clearly states that it runs on the GPU for Nvidia. So yer, the guy should do his homework and he wouldn't look so silly and biased and a big AMD fanboy.

The guy is a complete tinfoil hat nutjob. His claim is that Nvidia forced the project CARS developers to run PhysX on the CPU because AMD drivers have a higher CPU overhead, therefore this would be a disadvantage for AMD having to do more CPU calculations. There is just not even an inkling of logic in that. What does he expect nvidia to do, improve AMD's DX11 driver overhead?
If CARS didn't use physx then the developers would have used another physics library that also ran on the CPU, they explicitly didn't want a PGD physics solution due to the complex simulation they built.

The source code for the PhysX used in CARS is freely available here:

That idiocy alone is plenty enough to make any level headed person ignore everyone else he says. The guy should be institutionalized!
24 Sep 2008
Essex innit!
Agreed DP. I never actually bothered to watch and only got as far as the Crysis 2 tessellation crying but thought "nope, give him a fair shot" and I wished I hadn't. He just doesn't know what he is talking about. I would be cringing if I was a bit of an AMD fanboy in truth and surprised that so many seem to lap up this guys rant video. I am open for any debate and prepared to listen to truths but this guy just comes across as sour and clueless.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
That idiocy alone is plenty enough to make any level headed person ignore everyone else he says. The guy should be institutionalized!

Hence my negativity about the video without even watching it - I've seen a dozen or so videos about GameWorks all of which, regardless of the merits or otherwise of GameWorks, are unmitigated drivel by people who plainly lack actual insight of the technology involved, its getting quite tedious.
28 May 2007
So he makes a mistake about Project cars. I picked up on that while watching myself. What about all the other evidence he backs his claims up with. I didn't find any fault with his graphs or anything else. It does not prove anything 100% but there is surely more than enough to be sceptical about things instead of just writing it all off as utter trash.

That's why there is so much arguing around here, people instead of admitting there is evidence to be sceptical about certain things just write it off as crap. A guy gets a point wrong so his whole video is then baseless crap. Sure it is as it suits some people's whole opinion.

If i am wrong on one thing i must be wrong about everything else.
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