• Competitor rules

    Please remember that any mention of competitors, hinting at competitors or offering to provide details of competitors will result in an account suspension. The full rules can be found under the 'Terms and Rules' link in the bottom right corner of your screen. Just don't mention competitors in any way, shape or form and you'll be OK.


8 Oct 2020
Ventura, CA, USA
I was going to say exactly that. The UK / Ireland restriction came into effect after they took all those pre-orders on launch day.

Yeah, that's why I'm so hesitant in cancelling my order. I know I have a guaranteed 3080 here, but I've also become impatient. Hence why I am still looking while still having this order. Like everywhere else in the world, it's hard to get one. Just gotta hope I've got the fastest fingers in the West to hop on one when I have the chance.
6 Nov 2020
Please can the competitor talk/hinting etc.... stop!

That includes how to obtain a GPU or other items OCUK sell from retailers/manufacturers whether in the UK or elsewhere.

Anyone breaking these rules will get an automatic 2 day suspension, anyone continually breaking these rules will risk their account being permanently closed, so please stop.

Thank you.

Can Overclockers UK get some stock please?

Otherwise, they will be banned from my Christian Minecraft Server.
2 Oct 2020
Please can the competitor talk/hinting etc.... stop!

That includes how to obtain a GPU or other items OCUK sell from retailers/manufacturers whether in the UK or elsewhere.

Anyone breaking these rules will get an automatic 2 day suspension, anyone continually breaking these rules will risk their account being permanently closed, so please stop.

Thank you.

This is a pretty disgraceful rule to be honest. It's the reason I'll not be purchasing from here again, ever.

I understand the stock is tight right now and I'm happy enough waiting. I get that various things are stopping OCUK from getting as much stock as they would like, and they would like to be selling more.

What I don't get is rules like these that are only in place very clearly to protect their own sales. This is not OK, when Overclockers have intentionally oversold these cards and have people waiting until probably a quarter into next year. It's especially disgraceful that we're not even allowed to talk about stock updates on other sites without mentioning names, so we can get a better picture of the entire situation in the UK.

This entire company is legitimate scum, and doesn't deserve anywhere near the status, nevermind the self-acclaimed status, that it does in the UK for PC parts.
9 Aug 2016
Unfortunately Nvidia, AMD Zen 3, XboxseriesX & PS5 are paper launches in that there is no where near enough supply to justify a launch but they did it anyway. We can either bitch about it or just not buy them. Not buying them hurts them big time. How many people have cancelled their 3070/80/90 orders and the same with Zen 3? AMD 6800 won't be different. As consumers we have control to say no thanks and if we do suddenly companies have to take notice. We know what happens to sheep don't we, they get fleeced. You need to stand up or not it's quite simple. Not getting one of these is not the end of the world so wise up. Life is more important than tech stuff.
2 Oct 2020
This is a pretty disgraceful rule to be honest. It's the reason I'll not be purchasing from here again, ever.

I understand the stock is tight right now and I'm happy enough waiting. I get that various things are stopping OCUK from getting as much stock as they would like, and they would like to be selling more.

What I don't get is rules like these that are only in place very clearly to protect their own sales. This is not OK, when Overclockers have intentionally oversold these cards and have people waiting until probably a quarter into next year. It's especially disgraceful that we're not even allowed to talk about stock updates on other sites without mentioning names, so we can get a better picture of the entire situation in the UK.

This entire company is legitimate scum, and doesn't deserve anywhere near the status, nevermind the self-acclaimed status, that it does in the UK for PC parts.
It's a forum owned by Overclockers. Of course they don't want competitor talk, if you want that, go to Reddit.
27 Jul 2015
This is a pretty disgraceful rule to be honest. It's the reason I'll not be purchasing from here again, ever.

I understand the stock is tight right now and I'm happy enough waiting. I get that various things are stopping OCUK from getting as much stock as they would like, and they would like to be selling more.

What I don't get is rules like these that are only in place very clearly to protect their own sales. This is not OK, when Overclockers have intentionally oversold these cards and have people waiting until probably a quarter into next year. It's especially disgraceful that we're not even allowed to talk about stock updates on other sites without mentioning names, so we can get a better picture of the entire situation in the UK.

This entire company is legitimate scum, and doesn't deserve anywhere near the status, nevermind the self-acclaimed status, that it does in the UK for PC parts.

It's actually worse because you can't name a competitor which doesn't have any stock and isn't taking any orders.
19 Sep 2020
Managed to grab a card via another method. To all my TUF non-OC comrades I wish you the best. Was brutal not having any sort of information about our cards, except that they weren't prioritising them. Wish you all the best guys but I'm incredibly glad that my wait of unknown length is now over.
27 Jul 2015
I see the competitor with the RTX3080 weekly expected shipping data is again struggling for stock this week with just two brands expected, and everything else on TBA. Nvidia lied to us when they said the stock situation easing towards the end of October, when in reality it has become worse.
Man of Honour
8 Nov 2007
Outer Space
This is a pretty disgraceful rule to be honest. It's the reason I'll not be purchasing from here again, ever.

I understand the stock is tight right now and I'm happy enough waiting. I get that various things are stopping OCUK from getting as much stock as they would like, and they would like to be selling more.

What I don't get is rules like these that are only in place very clearly to protect their own sales. This is not OK, when Overclockers have intentionally oversold these cards and have people waiting until probably a quarter into next year. It's especially disgraceful that we're not even allowed to talk about stock updates on other sites without mentioning names, so we can get a better picture of the entire situation in the UK.

This entire company is legitimate scum, and doesn't deserve anywhere near the status, nevermind the self-acclaimed status, that it does in the UK for PC parts.

This forum is paid for by Overclockers UK and the no competitor rule has always been in existence it's nothing new, it was here long before this release.

If you want to talk about other retailers and stock feel free to go off to another site like Reddit for example nothing keeping you here and that includes your money, if you're not happy then ask for a refund ;)
27 Jul 2015
Exactly, I'm glad someone is speaking sense :)

With my post above alluding to a competitor, who in this situation has no stock, isn't taking orders,and who appears to be struggling to actually get hold of stock still cannot be named?

I understand why the rule is there, but there can hardly be any loss of business to OCUK when the other side aren't even taking orders!
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