• Competitor rules

    Please remember that any mention of competitors, hinting at competitors or offering to provide details of competitors will result in an account suspension. The full rules can be found under the 'Terms and Rules' link in the bottom right corner of your screen. Just don't mention competitors in any way, shape or form and you'll be OK.


18 Sep 2020
happy days, hopefully an updated queue position email will be sent out

I think it only happens on Friday so we'll be waiting till then.


This forum is paid for by Overclockers UK and the no competitor rule has always been in existence it's nothing new, it was here long before this release.

Yeah, just because something has happened before doesn't make it ok. If that were true then change would be impossible and everything we consider unacceptable now that was in the past would still be common place. I always find it funny that people will often fall on the position "well that's how it's always been" so often!

The modern day Internet is heavily anti-censorship and the Streisand Effect is well known so it makes the policies here seem downright antiquated and counter to accepted wisdom. I mean forums often behaved differently back in the early 2000s and this place just feels like it hasn't moved on - not a good thing IMO.
Man of Honour
8 Nov 2007
Outer Space
I think it only happens on Friday so we'll be waiting till then.

Yeah, just because something has happened before doesn't make it ok. If that were true then change would be impossible and everything we consider unacceptable now that was in the past would still be common place. I always find it funny that people will often fall on the position "well that's how it's always been" so often!

The modern day Internet is heavily anti-censorship and the Streisand Effect is well known so it makes the policies here seem downright antiquated and counter to accepted wisdom. I mean forums often behaved differently back in the early 2000s and this place just feels like it hasn't moved on - not a good thing IMO.
It wasn't mentioned just to fall back on, it was mentioned to highlight that it's hardly shocking news that competitors can't be mentioned and this is one rule that's not going to change for obvious reasons, so please do carry on with pointless arguments :rolleyes:
Man of Honour
8 Nov 2007
Outer Space
With my post above alluding to a competitor, who in this situation has no stock, isn't taking orders,and who appears to be struggling to actually get hold of stock still cannot be named?

I understand why the rule is there, but there can hardly be any loss of business to OCUK when the other side aren't even taking orders!
Hi mate,

Good question, but firstly it's a blanket rule otherwise it becomes a minefield to manage and introduces lots of grey areas.

Secondly it's still naming a competitor that will be cached by Google's search engine etc.. and also it directs potential customers of OCUK to look at the competitors, so it's a simple don't mention them, hint about that them etc... and all is well with the world :p
28 Sep 2020
This is a pretty disgraceful rule to be honest. It's the reason I'll not be purchasing from here again, ever.

I understand the stock is tight right now and I'm happy enough waiting. I get that various things are stopping OCUK from getting as much stock as they would like, and they would like to be selling more.

What I don't get is rules like these that are only in place very clearly to protect their own sales. This is not OK, when Overclockers have intentionally oversold these cards and have people waiting until probably a quarter into next year. It's especially disgraceful that we're not even allowed to talk about stock updates on other sites without mentioning names, so we can get a better picture of the entire situation in the UK.

This entire company is legitimate scum, and doesn't deserve anywhere near the status, nevermind the self-acclaimed status, that it does in the UK for PC parts.

I'm unhappy that I haven't got my card yet too, but calling them scum is out of line. They're getting screwed from both ends here. Sure, they haven't been perfect, but it's pretty clear they're trying.

Of course they're trying to protect their sales, you say that as if it's some shocking reveal that nobody else has realised. This whole forum is for customers to talk about PC parts and about purchases on the site, it's not a free for all like reddit, it's tied to a shop, of course it's going to be biased towards it. You'd have to be stupid to think otherwise, and frankly OCUK would be stupid if they allowed competitor discussion.

I can show you what the rest of the stock is like in the UK if you want, enjoy:
Man of Honour
8 Nov 2007
Outer Space
I'm unhappy that I haven't got my card yet too, but calling them scum is out of line. They're getting screwed from both ends here. Sure, they haven't been perfect, but it's pretty clear they're trying.

Of course they're trying to protect their sales, you say that as if it's some shocking reveal that nobody else has realised. This whole forum is for customers to talk about PC parts and about purchases on the site, it's not a free for all like reddit, it's tied to a shop, of course it's going to be biased towards it. You'd have to be stupid to think otherwise, and frankly OCUK would be stupid if they allowed competitor discussion.

I can show you what the rest of the stock is like in the UK if you want, enjoy:
Good reply :)
25 Oct 2020
As you are sitting on our money gaining interest, do you think it would be possible to open pre orders for the 4080? By the time we get this card the next generation will be out.
25 Sep 2020
As you are sitting on our money gaining interest, do you think it would be possible to open pre orders for the 4080? By the time we get this card the next generation will be out.

100%. I think we should all be required to pay second time when we actually come up to have our card shipped. First payment is for 3080 and second for 4080 pre-order and so on every gen after that. That's the fastest and best way to guarantee that cards will be sent asap from our and Nvidia's favourite partner. Can't wait for Gibbo's updates on my soon to be 4080 pre-order, hopefully both cards will not arrive on the same day. :p
24 Aug 2019
I don't have money to look for them anywhere else and scared to take the chance trying to snag one by cancelling my order here. Best to sit and wait however frustrating it is. But if it comes next year that will be a bitter pill to swallow.
18 Oct 2002
South Manchester
This is a pretty disgraceful rule to be honest. It's the reason I'll not be purchasing from here again, ever.

I understand the stock is tight right now and I'm happy enough waiting. I get that various things are stopping OCUK from getting as much stock as they would like, and they would like to be selling more.

What I don't get is rules like these that are only in place very clearly to protect their own sales. This is not OK, when Overclockers have intentionally oversold these cards and have people waiting until probably a quarter into next year. It's especially disgraceful that we're not even allowed to talk about stock updates on other sites without mentioning names, so we can get a better picture of the entire situation in the UK.

This entire company is legitimate scum, and doesn't deserve anywhere near the status, nevermind the self-acclaimed status, that it does in the UK for PC parts.

Step away from the righteous indignation, and the petty insults. They're unwarranted.

This forum has run under these rules for the 20+ years I've been around here. They provide the forums for free as a service, why should other companies profit off their investment? It's fair and it's understandable.
19 Apr 2014
The Nostromo
I don't have money to look for them anywhere else and scared to take the chance trying to snag one by cancelling my order here. Best to sit and wait however frustrating it is. But if it comes next year that will be a bitter pill to swallow.

i am in the same situation and feel the same

its **** but we just gotta hold out or go all in and pull our money and take a gamble

iv spent 7 weeks of do i dont i and it sucks, but it is what it is at the end of the day
18 Sep 2020
It wasn't mentioned just to fall back on, it was mentioned to highlight that it's hardly shocking news that competitors can't be mentioned
I don't disagree and for what it's worth I don't expect it to change, was just saying my piece :). As for the rest of your post, not really going to engage with that - I'm not interested in having an argument or put downs and I see your side of things I just don't agree with it. Nothing more to be done about that, so I shall just wish you a nice day and hope you get your GPU soon if you're waiting for one! :)
Man of Honour
8 Nov 2007
Outer Space
I don't disagree and for what it's worth I don't expect it to change, was just saying my piece :). As for the rest of your post, not really going to engage with that - I'm not interested in having an argument or put downs and I see your side of things I just don't agree with it. Nothing more to be done about that, so I shall just wish you a nice day and hope you get your GPU soon if you're waiting for one! :)
No worries and you to :)
6 Nov 2020
I'm unhappy that I haven't got my card yet too, but calling them scum is out of line. They're getting screwed from both ends here. Sure, they haven't been perfect, but it's pretty clear they're trying.

Of course they're trying to protect their sales, you say that as if it's some shocking reveal that nobody else has realised. This whole forum is for customers to talk about PC parts and about purchases on the site, it's not a free for all like reddit, it's tied to a shop, of course it's going to be biased towards it. You'd have to be stupid to think otherwise, and frankly OCUK would be stupid if they allowed competitor discussion.

I can show you what the rest of the stock is like in the UK if you want, enjoy:

If this discussion had a header, this would be it :D
2 Oct 2020

This forum is paid for by Overclockers UK and the no competitor rule has always been in existence it's nothing new, it was here long before this release.

If you want to talk about other retailers and stock feel free to go off to another site like Reddit for example nothing keeping you here and that includes your money, if you're not happy then ask for a refund ;)

Sure, let me go to Reddit and drown in discussions unrelated to the stock situation in the UK. The fact that the rule has always been in existence is no surprise, but it's also not a valid counter point. How about reconsidering the rule for threads where it may help your users and allow for easier discussion? Or do you just want to continue being a snide ****?
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