Good god. A new account with all 4 posts defending OC with such imagination. Is that you Gibbo?
'A new account' ?
I'd suggest you look again, my account was setup in 2002... Never worked for OCUK and never likely to, doubt they could afford me
... and my post has nothing to do with defending OCUK, just pointing out that like so many of the other posts generating so called 'facts' by repetition of supposition and assumption there is no solid footing for the majority of the more outrageous claims being made, or for that matter by the oft repeated claims of staff members posting lies. Being wrong, or being mistaken or having an estimate turn out to be wrong is not a 'lie'.
I get that there are a lot of people angry and frustrated at the lack of stock arriving and hence the long wait for their cards, but that doesn't give people the right to insult, demean and generally attack the staff members of OCUK or to string together a bunch of guesswork into 'facts'.
No question that the information flow could be better, but each time there was an attempt to improve it feels like the new facts were simply used to add to the attacks on the company and the staff, when the thread became essentially toxic I'm not surprised that staff members stopped posting here, anything said would just have been used to cause further problems.
Right now I completely agree that there should be more information on which cards have actually arrived, but you'll notice that even the other place that is so often quoted as a great example of information sharing has managed to avoid any information that permits the customer to discern exact numbers of expected deliveries by card or any way to distinguish between numbers shipped and cancellations when looking at queue length changes... They do make a better job of giving the impression of clarity and openness, while actually keeping a lid on any real precision at the level of specific cards beyond how many are in each queue at any point.
There are plenty of ways to explain the differences that are interpreted from the information that has been shared here especially when you try to correlate between the comments from vendor reps, the B2C side (Gibbo), the SI side (Pre-builds) and the comments from CS staff as they all have different sources and assumptions about what they are saying. Also keep in mind that CS staff can be the most unreliable source for some of this as they are often being pressured to make comments on stuff that is outside their direct knowledge. We'll never get to the bottom of this though as for one reason or another there seems to be an unwillingness or an inability to simply disclose exact numbers of deliveries at the card level, both here at OCUK and elsewhere...