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The issue the majority have in this thread is the complete lack of communication from Gibbo, and it's tanking Overclockers UK Trustpilot rating. This will have a long term effect on customer confidence and it's due to one person, the one not dealing with communication with those that have ordered their GPUs. Perhaps @ScottiB can have a word with @Gibbo internally since long term this may also affect his side of the business.
Tottenham got more trophies then oc getting cards in
I wish, maybe then the Arsenal fans in the office wouldn't make fun of me so often :D

Can you take gibbos job already more direct info from you than 2 and a half months of gibbo
I barely have the time to do my job let alone his.
I'm only responsible for a couple hundred products rather than a few thousand.
Cheers @ScottiB for actually giving some info on the situation. I've literally made an account just to say that on here.

Does anyone have the slightest clue whether the TUF NON OC 3070 even exists? I've been 9th in the queue for a month.
It's sad that the bloke who's supposed to be focused more on SI stock is getting dragged into the retail vitriol @Gibbo

Why is it down to him to have to defend the company when this is your area to deal with?
( I understand you've got a few days off so I can excuse the past few days) but what about the weeks prior to this, what about the magic stock that's come in but no updates have been made, what about the stock that's come in and we've been told about that doesn't match with your own self professed dispatch numbers, that very observant and diligent FORUM members can spot, but your warehouse staff/yourself can't?

The only reason @ScottiB has had to speak up is that he's probably fed up of being dragged through the **** that is so rightfully for you, your lack of empathy for your customers is honestly what's been dragging this whole thing down, a majority of the people here understand that production is slow, the quantities aren't there and that the blame doesn't solely lay on Overclockers.

What's ******* people off, and mainly here in the forums, is that you're happily flaunting the wealth you've accrued on other forums posts and ignoring forum threads you absolutely could update, and it honestly does seem like you care more about that aspect than the actual customer side of this all, and more power to you if you could actually do your job and keep us updated as you promised you would, but you can't, so it comes off as arrogance and apathetic bragging about yourself and how much money you can "scam" off people, because that's what a lot of people feel this is, a scam, they feel like they're being played by you and your vague "guesstimates" of retail stock shipments to be kept hanging on longer and longer, and the longer they wait, the more ****** off they're gonna get with the situation because they're not getting what they were promised, clear, concise and transparent information from the person who promised it.

Even if it was just "I tried guys, but nothings expected this week" bad news is still better than no news, and it shows you're at least still trying to get the information out to us, instead of avoiding the forum threads and hiding and looking for your next expensive buy, and if you've made a mistake on a post, own up to it, say "oops sorry guys overestimated how many [xyz cards] were supposed to be arriving this week/month/year. we only got x amount of them this time" actually take responsibility for the mistakes you've made and you might find the community won't be as toxic or inflammatory about the situation when they spot something that doesn't add up.
I wish, maybe then the Arsenal fans in the office wouldn't make fun of me so often :D

I barely have the time to do my job let alone his.
I'm only responsible for a couple hundred products rather than a few thousand.
Tbh youv done more then I've seen anyone do over the last couple months so Ty. But seriously be the last time I use your shop
I'm sorry. The info that I've given you is accurate. I know it doesn't really help but we are trying our best to get as much stock as possible.


3 weeks ago u got 50 msi ventus..4 weeks ago I was 7th in que waiting on a ok amount to be shipped which mever did.

Sounds like Gibbo gave u the 50 ventus that was meant for retail. Seems like that anyway.

Well, it's been um an experience, almost 3 months of daily checking, stock searching, 3090 considering, AMD searching and finally it's almost over for me. I have in my hands a Zotac 3080, once home and working I will be bowing out and freeing up 1 place in the MSI Trio queue, so anyone above 209 will be 1 step closer.

I truly wish you all a speedy solution to this 1st world problem.
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