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29 Nov 2020
Just asking as the general level of updates is and always has been **** poor, I think you need to start telling people how many items are in a shipment becuase if people are moving back spaces in a queue ... and i dont know how well that is substantiated no one has had any expectations set yet. From my perspetive if your not getting any info .. your speaking to the wrong people or your contacts are not the right ones to be using in this instance.
9 Oct 2020
How urgently do you need the upgrade?

If I was being completely honest with myself its not life or death that I get a new card right now. I've got a 1080 at the moment which is working away. Like most of us though I want a new card to do me through the winter months ahead for games like Cyberpunk and Flight Simulator 2020. Both of which warrant a new graphics card upgrade. I've got a 4K monitor but game at 1440p (and thats pushing my 1080 as it is) I'd like to game at 4K. I know the 3070 will struggle at 4K where as of course the 3080 won't.
26 Jan 2010
Right guys, it was nice knowing everyone

in 2.5 months ive added like 500 posts just to the 3080 thread, comments and questions

Cannot wait anymore, cancelled my 2 orders:

Strix 3080 from 800 to 500 (in 3 months or so)

Zotac Amp Extreme holo (50 to 14 all cancelations Literally doesn't exist yet, not even for reviewers or unboxers)

been shopping with OCUK for 10+ years, thousands and thousands spent.

They also banned me for 3 days because i said the word rainf******

ive decided to call it a day after 3 months antagonising search for a 3080 at rrp

good luck and god bless
5 Jan 2011
People acting like it’s the end of the world or something and “not getting any updates” when in fact it’s a premium high end graphics card in short supply and there are weekly updates in the other thread.

Some people need to get a grip..
20 Nov 2020
People acting like it’s the end of the world or something and “not getting any updates” when in fact it’s a premium high end graphics card in short supply and there are weekly updates in the other thread.

Some people need to get a grip..
Do you wona give me £650+ mate . Let me know what you want for Christmas I'll try and get it to you by that time. I have a ETA for tomorrow
27 Nov 2020
People acting like it’s the end of the world or something and “not getting any updates” when in fact it’s a premium high end graphics card in short supply and there are weekly updates in the other thread.

Some people need to get a grip..
the updates are very vague compared to competitors having full tables with exact numbers and dates. thats why people are getting annoyed
3 Dec 2019
finally woo

High five. Evga rocks
5 Jan 2011
the updates are very vague compared to competitors having full tables with exact numbers and dates. thats why people are getting annoyed

Detailed updates or not changes little when there is very limited stock out there.

I don’t disagree that OC have done a poor job here (Gibbo should lose his job really - reputation has been ruined by his actions in particular) but posting everyday chasing for updates when there just isn’t much to update on is pointless. A queue update is sent to every person with a pre-order and that’s about as much as should be necessary.
20 Nov 2020
Detailed updates or not changes little when there is very limited stock out there.

I don’t disagree that OC have done a poor job here (Gibbo should lose his job really - reputation has been ruined by his actions in particular) but posting everyday chasing for updates when there just isn’t much to update on is pointless. A queue update is sent to every person with a pre-order and that’s about as much as should be necessary.
No that's where your wrong . Scotti b in the little time he was talking yesturday had already said they are recieving MSI cards ect . That info was known by oc and gibbo before he come into the thread . If that was given along with other info that they get then you wouldnt have people asking . It also shows care to customers that have parted money . And while I don't believe everything Scotti said he's atleased tried .
27 Nov 2020
No that's where your wrong . Scotti b in the little time he was talking yesturday had already said they are recieving MSI cards ect . That info was known by oc and gibbo before he come into the thread . If that was given along with other info that they get then you wouldnt have people asking . It also shows care to customers that have parted money . And while I don't believe everything Scotti said he's atleased tried .
this exactly. in the few hours talking to scotti we've had more information than the multiple months that gibbo has been updating the other thread. and scotti has shown that there is a place that they have information stored on more specific numbers on certain models. it just seems that gibbo doesnt want to give the details
20 Nov 2020
this exactly. in the few hours talking to scotti we've had more information than the multiple months that gibbo has been updating the other thread. and scotti has shown that there is a place that they have information stored on more specific numbers on certain models. it just seems that gibbo doesnt want to give the details
Yep but is the reason I don't believe him on everything though . I still believe retail cards are going into pre builds and he couldn't state how many cards they are getting. I do appreciate him coming in though
2 Dec 2002
Yep but is the reason I don't believe him on everything though . I still believe retail cards are going into pre builds and he couldn't state how many cards they are getting. I do appreciate him coming in though

Not sure how much clearer Scotti could be on that point, retail boxed product is 100% going into pre-builds because that is what the manufacturers are supplying to the SI channel.

... but that is product that was allocated as SI stock and where he has received a surplus of SI stock he has been releasing it to the retail channel to help with the queues.

I suspect that a lot of the confusion relating to comments from manufacturing reps here has been them not distinguishing between retail and SI channel when commenting on expected deliveries to OCUK.
20 Nov 2020
Not sure how much clearer Scotti could be on that point, retail boxed product is 100% going into pre-builds because that is what the manufacturers are supplying to the SI channel.

... but that is product that was allocated as SI stock and where he has received a surplus of SI stock he has been releasing it to the retail channel to help with the queues.

I suspect that a lot of the confusion relating to comments from manufacturing reps here has been them not distinguishing between retail and SI channel when commenting on expected deliveries to OCUK.
No he made that clear . What makes me think cards are going into pre builds or out the back door Is the ok amounts turning to 20 ect . That still has not been cleared up I don't imagine it will be. I also find it hard to believe that a company don't know how many cards they are getting untill the crates are open .
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