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27 Jul 2005
The Orion Spur
Just a few facts, I hope it gives you a bit more insight.

Some deliveries come direct from the manufacturer, air freight from the far east or from the manufacturer's distribution hub (usually in the Netherlands). This stock is shared out (allocated) at this stage by the manufacturer and they communicate that to us at that time...it's usually about a week then before it arrives.

Some deliveries come through the distributors (Asus always this way). They'll send all of the UK's stock to their distributors and then tell the distributors who to sell it to, at which time the distributor communicates that to us....it's usually then arrives at our door next day...so you can see how little notice we'd have in this situation.

Right now, thanks to the pile up of issues at customs, transportation delays and admittedly, delays within our goods in department, accurate ETAs are very hard to give, even for stock that is sat at a local distributor. For example, I know that a MSI delivery was schedule to land at Manchester airport on Monday but it still hadn't arrived at the distributors when I checked yesterday. I won't know exactly what we are getting until the distributors have received and inspected their delivery and cross checked that with the allocations from the MSI product manager.

With regards the disappointing "ramp up". We can only communicate what we were told, we weren't ever given specifics about how many cards would be available. Nvidia communicated that GPU supply would ramp up significantly but I also believe that Nvidia yesterday(?) also communicated that GPU & memory supply wasn't the problem(?) So, the fact that supply hasn't picked up as much as we assumed is unfortunate and frustrating, (and yes, I admit we made an assumption based on the verbal communication and we've been left red-faced because of it) but there's no sinister hidden story. My best guess is that certain components shortages are to blame (similar to the capacitor shortage earlier in the year) but manufacturers are tight lipped.

Very informative, thanks.
5 Dec 2020
Waiting on Strix 3080 OC, which like many others don't seem to be much of yet. Updated the other day to be 996th in the queue as due to ordering late. Needed as the final piece for my first build but with the rate of production i may have to get a supplement card until I get lucky to either find a my 3080 in stock or Nvidia pull a load of stock out of their ass.
20 Nov 2020
Just a few facts, I hope it gives you a bit more insight.

Some deliveries come direct from the manufacturer, air freight from the far east or from the manufacturer's distribution hub (usually in the Netherlands). This stock is shared out (allocated) at this stage by the manufacturer and they communicate that to us at that time...it's usually about a week then before it arrives.

Some deliveries come through the distributors (Asus always this way). They'll send all of the UK's stock to their distributors and then tell the distributors who to sell it to, at which time the distributor communicates that to us....it's usually then arrives at our door next day...so you can see how little notice we'd have in this situation.

Right now, thanks to the pile up of issues at customs, transportation delays and admittedly, delays within our goods in department, accurate ETAs are very hard to give, even for stock that is sat at a local distributor. For example, I know that a MSI delivery was schedule to land at Manchester airport on Monday but it still hadn't arrived at the distributors when I checked yesterday. I won't know exactly what we are getting until the distributors have received and inspected their delivery and cross checked that with the allocations from the MSI product manager.

With regards the disappointing "ramp up". We can only communicate what we were told, we weren't ever given specifics about how many cards would be available. Nvidia communicated that GPU supply would ramp up significantly but I also believe that Nvidia yesterday(?) also communicated that GPU & memory supply wasn't the problem(?) So, the fact that supply hasn't picked up as much as we assumed is unfortunate and frustrating, (and yes, I admit we made an assumption based on the verbal communication and we've been left red-faced because of it) but there's no sinister hidden story. My best guess is that certain components shortages are to blame (similar to the capacitor shortage earlier in the year) but manufacturers are tight lipped.
Thanks again for shedding a little more light on the situation . But can I ask why gibbo states small medium ect if far less is being dispatched . The quote 'just to make it clear and so I am clear on it' leaves me with more questions then answers lol . He's far from being clear tbh and it's frustrating. now this has nothing to do with MSI cards but stock in general .
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15 Apr 2011
...Of course refunds are quick it's what they want you to do!! Why supply a card they sold for £650-£750 when people are willing to pay £800-£900.

It's funny how the 'other' supplier can update at 9.30am on CPU, 10.30am on GPU with information about incoming stock, delays, numbers expected etc if there's no news they update again at 4pm. Here is quite the opposite, leaving people in the dark is there plan as mentioned above.
It's like a friend of mine who when wanting to dump a girlfriend would treat her badly (miss dates, no phone here etc) until she got fed up and dumped him...feels like we are the girlfriend here.
20 Nov 2020
...Of course refunds are quick it's what they want you to do!! Why supply a card they sold for £650-£750 when people are willing to pay £800-£900.

It's funny how the 'other' supplier can update at 9.30am on CPU, 10.30am on GPU with information about incoming stock, delays, numbers expected etc if there's no news they update again at 4pm. Here is quite the opposite, leaving people in the dark is there plan as mentioned above.
It's like a friend of mine who when wanting to dump a girlfriend would treat her badly (miss dates, no phone here etc) until she got fed up and dumped him...feels like we are the girlfriend here.
I now know how it feels never to recieve that 'diamond ring'
9 Oct 2020
...Of course refunds are quick it's what they want you to do!! Why supply a card they sold for £650-£750 when people are willing to pay £800-£900.

It's funny how the 'other' supplier can update at 9.30am on CPU, 10.30am on GPU with information about incoming stock, delays, numbers expected etc if there's no news they update again at 4pm. Here is quite the opposite, leaving people in the dark is there plan as mentioned above.
It's like a friend of mine who when wanting to dump a girlfriend would treat her badly (miss dates, no phone here etc) until she got fed up and dumped him...feels like we are the girlfriend here.

You know what they say - 'treat them mean and keep them keen'. I was always terrible at that. I was always the guy that was 'too nice' to be boyfriend material. No wonder I'm having no luck getting an RTX 3080. Story of my life.
18 Sep 2020
I’m out.. the guy I’m building the system for decided enough was enough and he didn’t want to wait any longer for the 3080 after only moving 2 places in the queue this week. So now we have an msi RTX3070 Ventus 3x going in instead.
Cancellation sent in.. good luck to all still in the queue :)
25 Apr 2014
They are and always have been the forum rules. If you don’t like or can’t follow them then feel free to not post. Moderators are nothing to do with the shop or how it is run.

Theres a problem with that the definition of forum is "a meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged." but it seems this particular site is more akin to the Orwellian vision of 1984 where only thoughts and actions that praise OCUK are allowed.
I prefer facts, I feel OCUK took my Money under false pretences they had no firm delivery date and they offered incentives they could not provide, this is against the distance selling regs because at the time I bought my item the website showed stock was available when in fact it had already oversold to the tune of 188 units, a fact I was not advised of until the following Friday more than 7 Days later at 20.30.
They then further compound this situation by giving almost zero feedback to waiting customers, other Retailers are in the same Boat yet they have managed to maintain good relationships with Customers by offering lots of information and projected delivery Dates, my conclusion OCUK have failed in there mission "Our mission is to become the best place to buy hardware, systems and gaming products in the UK and Ireland. From product recommendations to after-sales support, we are working hard to deliver the best possible shopping experience for our customers."

As a Customer from before the Caseking Days and at the old shop its sad to see the state of things now even the Bricks and Mortar store is a shadow of its former self with half the displays unpriced or inoperative and things just seemingly dumped with no particular layout in mind ( last time I went in March ), fact is right now other Retailers are doing a better job and are more deserving of my hard earned Cash and this situation has made me realise that fact, sadly for OCUK it means my willingness to pay a little extra due to perceived better service is now no longer the case, looked at it in the cold light of facts others are cheaper, better managed and more deserving of my Custom.
6 Oct 2020
GIGABYTE RTX 3080 Gaming OC (18/09 - 11:01)
02/10 - 237
15/10 - 216
23/10 - 208
30/10 - 199
06/11 - 188
13/11 - 139
20/11 - 138
27/11 - 114
04/12 - 103

Getting there, more worried about my hangover right now than my queue position though lol
I predict you will get your card, April 2020.
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