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Well I asked twice already now about these "paid upgrades" OCUK are offering. All I wanted was a clear answer.

My question again is this, Will I have to pay extra for my 3080 Asus Tuf Non OC if these are replaced with LHR version? If yes, I think that is really poor considering how long ago we have paid in full for this GPU. Over 11 months ago now. The only change being an LHR chip that makes the performance worse for ETH mining and a different product code. Let us not forget that several months ago, when LHR replacement cards were first announced, we were told not to speculate about our pre orders going unfulfilled. Yes, we have always had the option to request a refund but the reason most of us waiting have not done this, is, the dire market situation. Were GPUs more readily available, I think most of us waiting would have jumped ship long ago.

The offer to pay double (or more) what I originally paid for a 3080ti upgrade is horrendous. We all know the 3080ti is terrible value for money. Not that I blame OCUK for this, I commend them for trying to find a solutuion but this isn't a viable option for me. A 3070ti downgrade would mean an approx 15-20% perf jump from my 1080ti, not even worthwhile.

Also, I did ring OCUK and spoke to quite a nice gentleman on the phone. This was a call about the upgrades when the emails were first sent out as I'm high on my queue list at #7. I asked this CS Rep, "If the LHR version of my card comes in, will I be switched over to it?". He said, "Yes, this shouldn't be a problem." Then he said, "I'll put a note on your account saying you're happy to continue waiting since you're very high up in the queue." I didn't even think to ask would I have to pay extra, because well, why would you in all honesty? I am not trying to be rude but I would just like a clear answer on this. I have no intention of paying extra for the GPU I paid in full 11 months ago so if a member of staff could give clarification on this for me please, I can make a decision now about remaining in queue or submit cancellation form and get refunded. Thank you.
just glad it's in there and it's all good! looks happy in there, system just needs some tlc now!
Nice set up.:)
Its fairly clean now, fans just need a little more of clean, glass panels got a nice clean down however. Also holy crap this card throws out a LOT of heat! It runs surprising quiet
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anybody correct me if I'm wrong also you may be able to swop wires in pins if you have a tool for doing so and your confident!:D
I would definitely not recommend that. Not least because you have then created a Frankenstein cable and you will have trouble remembering what is what. Just use the cables that belong with the PSU, always.
I would definitely not recommend that. Not least because you have then created a Frankenstein cable and you will have trouble remembering what is what. Just use the cables that belong with the PSU, always.
very true! but have heard of it nontheless! im not surprised people try it, you should have experienced the trouble i had getting a red set of cables from evga, they list them but dont sell them in the uk, so after many emails i had to buy directly from evga in america and have them shipped here! took an age! and cost a fortune. good advice though Vertical Blank!:)

Its fairly clean now, fans just need a little more of clean, glass panels got a nice clean down however. Also holy crap this card throws out a LOT of heat! It runs surprising quiet
good to hear, welcome to your new thermal reactor! warm room this winter!:p

Quick benchmark as well LOL

i get 15531 on my asus rtx3080 with same settings as yours! tried to upload the image but it wont let me! not sure how you did it? but my score 15531
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i get 15531 on my asus rtx3080 with same settings as yours! tried to upload the image but it wont let me! not sure how you did it? but my score 15531
Upload the image to imgur then go to share options and copy the bbcode into here

good to hear, welcome to your new thermal reactor! warm room this winter!:p
:cry: TRUE
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tried imgur but couldn't get it to work!
Odd, well thats a nice score doh, I would like to upgrade my cpu to a 5900X but I am just after spending an eye watering like 1750 euro :(. Maybe down the road I will, and also do a PSU upgrade then, I seen ROG has a really good PSU and it comes with pre sleaved cables which is what I really wanted
Odd, well thats a nice score doh, I would like to upgrade my cpu to a 5900X but I am just after spending an eye watering like 1750 euro :(. Maybe down the road I will, and also do a PSU upgrade then, I seen ROG has a really good PSU and it comes with pre sleaved cables which is what I really wanted
yeah thats a lot of dosh, i had the 2700x, 3600x then i tried the 3600xt! dont ask why? but then the 5600x great cpu! - then i just got greedy and managed get the 5900x which i love, AMD really did it, no complaints and no i wont be going for the 5950x! - like the rog psu's neat:) JediFragger has a good point.
very true! but have heard of it nontheless! im not surprised people try it, you should have experienced the trouble i had getting a red set of cables from evga, they list them but dont sell them in the uk, so after many emails i had to buy directly from evga in america and have them shipped here! took an age! and cost a fortune. good advice though Vertical Blank!:)

Swapping PSU cables over is pretty much the easiest way to a) kill your entire machine and b) burn your house down.

Most of the major PSU vendors have charts of what cables are compatible with what, but only within their own catalogs. Absolutely do NOT use a corsair cable with an EVGA PSU for example.
Swapping PSU cables over is pretty much the easiest way to a) kill your entire machine and b) burn your house down.

Most of the major PSU vendors have charts of what cables are compatible with what, but only within their own catalogs. Absolutely do NOT use a corsair cable with an EVGA PSU for example.
Thats why I was hoping to get an EVGA psu so its just plug and play basically with my current cables but sadly I cant find any of their highly rated psus
So, uh, y'know how I said it would be abjectly hilarious if I waited 10 months and paid for upgrades only for my GPU to not work? Well, uh. It doesn't work.

Or, rather, 'my computer as a whole does not work with the new GPU in it'. No display, but GPU RGB bar lights up, and pressing power on the case again makes it shut off instantly implies that it isn't even getting through the boot to windows, but the POST light cycle completes fine. Computer's working 'fine' with the old GPU in.

It's likely a fault with the PSU (I've been having some issues but 850W is enough power for the setup), but I'm going to need to find a place in town that can diagnose it. In the event it is the GPU, I hate to do this but tagging @ScottiB and @Gibbo just to ask what's OCUK's replace policy in the event the card is the issue? How long do I have to diagnose?

An update on this, I wrote up about 3,000 words of documentation and took it to a repair place in town. Get a call the next day, it's working fine, he leaves it running an intense Fuzzy Donut test overnight. Call back in the morning, it's fine. No sign of the PSU being banjaxed either. I'm relieved. The GPU isn't faulty in some fashion. Sounds like all it needed was DDU, a CMOS reset and a bios update. I pick it up, bring it home, plug in power and displayport cables and...the same. Nothing happens.

I try a different power plug. Same. I start getting very upset. I try something as a hail mary and, would you believe it, nothing was wrong with any of the parts in the first place at all. Do you know what the damn problem was? It just won't boot if it's only got DisplayPort plugged in with no HDMI. Plug HDMI in to the card, it's totally fine. I start laughing at how absurd it all is. How was I supposed to expect that, my old 1660 was fine with just displayport.

That's something I'm going to be working on fixing (from what I gather it's down to the DP cables themselves, but I didn't experience this on the 1660) but it's absolutely workable; it just does BIOS over HDMI then switches over to displayport once I get to Windows, TV auto-switches. Some of my other issues still remain (seemingly RAM-related), but the GPU is fine. That's my wait mostly over with. I'm still setting up my new OS but I can't wait to give it a test.

As an aside, has anyone else with 3080/Ti models (specifically the strix 3080Ti OC in my case) noticed anything with coil whine? It would make quite a lot of noise when running Heaven Benchmark, but it's whisper-quiet otherwise and Heaven has it running 100% achieving around 300fps. There's also a chance the whine might quieten down with time based on some anecdotes, and I'm usually wearing headphones. Have yet to test it with games running at less intense framerates.
Oh, also, asking this sincerely and from curiosity: has brexit put a stop to shipping Haribo outside of the UK (as a non-food retailer)? I mean, I'm on a diet so you probably did me a favour, but I had expected a wee packet :p
Oh, also, asking this sincerely and from curiosity: has brexit put a stop to shipping Haribo outside of the UK (as a non-food retailer)? I mean, I'm on a diet so you probably did me a favour, but I had expected a wee packet :p
I sadly didn't get any haribos as well :( Also for your coil whine question, its to be expected, my 3080Ti FTW3 makes a very slight whine but it should pass soon once it gets some use
That's some comfort. I'm usually a headphones user and it only seemed to happen at super high usage anyway, but it's nice to know that it might go down some. Until then, a boatload of programs to install and then some use-case testing, fingers crossed that goes well.
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