It'll bite them in the a*s in the end. Personally I don't care that much about extra features that Ampere offers i.e Ray tracing, RTX Voice and I/O, new features via GFE overlay etc. Most games that I play now doesn't even make use of them. Until they'll be broadly implement into the games (and their engines) Ampere will be obsolete and replaced by Hopper/Navi successor, well at least in my rig. I might miss the RTX voice features it seems to be useful for chat and conferencing.
So I might end up with a GPU based on Big Navi in the end (and that's depends on the raw performance in VK and DX12) bought from retailer that can guarantee delivery within reasonable manner and I truly hope that this time AMD won't screw up, after all RDNA 1st has been announced EOL and the entire TSMC 7nm previously used for it is now intended for production RDNA 2nd gen.
This is pretty much the golden opportunity for AMD to regain market share.