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470 in Q for an eagle, sucks wanted to play cyberpunk on my 4k TV with it. Not looking so good now.
I know mate, it's been a crazy launch,
I'm 62nd, seen two say they have cancelled so I'm assuming 60th,
See what the end of the month brings, I'm in no major rush, got a oculus quest coming tomorrow that shall keep me entertained, but still maybe tempted by a 3070 if they are readily available, not sure yet
Another week, another 0 Eagles FeelsBad

The Eagle hasn't landed.

I don't know if I regret getting in line for an Eagle or not, considering I'm about as far down the line as you can get at the moment. I'm gambling everything on Gigabyte regularly shipping a lot when they finally do ship them. I'm not sure I can really be bothered with the faff of ringing up OC'ers and paying a bit extra for another card that may or may not get to me any faster. I can't afford it at the moment anyway so if I did it would be at the end of the month.
From what @Gibbo said in this post:

Small <50
Average >50
Big >100
Dream >1000

Historically Very Small has apparently meant <10, and based on the Ventus shipment last week "ok" then was 50ish, so might be the same as "average". "Large" is presumably the same as big, but this is the first time we've been given anything near large so guess we'll see when it arrives.

I do wish he'd use the words he said he would, rather than synonyms.

It would be better if they just used numbers. But then there would be too much transparency and they wouldn't be able to use them in full system builds.
Not just here, but anywhere. ASUS just doesn't make them when they can stick an OC bios on the cards and sell them for more.

They have said they are making them all equally. I’m starting to wonder if that’s the truth, but if it’s not then that’ll look terrible for ASUS as it’ll start to become an obvious lie.
I have seen some non oc TUFs on Reddit etc though.
Why is it the guys at the front of the q moaning the most. Supply as we know is going to be crap this month but those guys will get their cards most likely first week in November. While the rest of us have to wait for supply to ramp up before we even get a whiff of a 3080.

man I’m betting the 1440p guys will mostly cancel and jump to the 3070 if the stock is there. 2080ti killed 1440p even 2080 killed 1440p and we know 3070 destroys the 2080 @ 1440p

Because we're the ones who were here at 1:30 on launch day refreshing the page hoping to get in early enough to snag a card. We're the ones who maybe need the card to complete a new build, I've even seen some people who sold their existing card to finance the new one.

The people who ordered a week later knew what they were getting into. People ordering in the first 20 minutes on launch day kinda expected to get their card maybe within a week or so.
@Flenix and your be the ones getting the cards soonest common sense told me they where going to sell out quick that's why I did not even bother on launch day every man and their dog wanted one

I sold parts, I need to complete a build, so I have to wait like the rest of the world for stock to be released but until then Xbox and star wars squadrons will keep me busy on my days off
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