Or maybe people on Ebay just like throwing money away? I'm still utterly staggered at the prices 3080 10GB cards are selling for - FE edition sold just yesterday for £620.Or maybe 48hrs later is to soon to know one way or the other.
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Or maybe people on Ebay just like throwing money away? I'm still utterly staggered at the prices 3080 10GB cards are selling for - FE edition sold just yesterday for £620.Or maybe 48hrs later is to soon to know one way or the other.
mining on ETH is over = no flood? gpu prices going up? oh does that mean that miners wernt the problem after all![]()
The lower GPU prices are forcing Nvidia to write down its inventory by $1.3bn.
RT will also play a big role. If the new cards have substantially better RT and more power efficient to boot then that will make them a lot more attractive. Plus you get the latest shiny and better driver support going forward. Not to mention being original buyer with full 3 year warranty. Certainly better than buying someone’s crusty old 3090 which has little warranty left and has likely been mined on.
All depends on price I guess. If Nvidia price it silly then used 3090‘s will sell for more. As it is I would pay £400 for one if someone was selling it with at least 1 year warranty![]()
If it was purely for gaming i'd agree, the 4070ti / 4080 12GB will perform around the same for £700 is what i'm guessing, that 24GB VRAM is what i'm interested in. As mentioned i'll see what GTC offers up, keynote on Tuesday. The AI models i'm using easily hit 12GB VRAM, and that's not going down over the next couple of years.
3090 performance should not be more than $500 really.
^.. huhh ?
You mean what you are willing to pay for a 3090, not the reality of what they should cost. While you were willing to by a 3080 10GB that had planned obsolescence version written all over it from day one for £650 at least and forget the fact you sold the game codes then for £50 because 3090s came with codes too that could be sold too.
Logic went out of the window with what you actually did in "reality". Also the 3090 was not aimed at gamers and gamers should not have been looking at it in "reality", now I will give you my reality on the 3090 and pro users, it was the best priced card Nvidia has ever given us that didn't come with Titan or Quadro drivers that we didn't need but paid for.
Now I will give you another example of why it was not aimed at gamers, now lets imagine you want to buy a car and have more money than sense and does that mean you should go buy a formula one car instead of an Audi ? Anyone that went and purchased a 3090 or 3090ti purchased a F1 car for F1 car use and they should have had more uses for it than just gaming and more pro use based apps or hobby apps that eat VRAM.
Now the funny thing I keep reading from 3080 10GB owners/ex-owners is they will pay less for a 3090 than their 3080 10GB, are you guys smoking something funky or just playing silly mind games on the owners of 3090s and hoping for a cheap update later ?
Guys stick to logic or you are now making yourselves look childish and actually nasty behaviour. The 3090 was aimed at people with more money than sense if used for gaming only or that was what they could only actually buy at the time or did you forget what happened too ? Or for sensible people that needed the 3090 class cards for their work related apps that eat vram and didn't want to pay Titan/Quadro (A-series) prices for same cards without the drivers.
You know why no 4090s with SLI/NVlink ? because Nvidia are forcing us now to buy their A-series and they realised the 3090s ended up in workstations and they lost sales with the A-series and why you got all them chips rebadged as 3090ti. They won't make that mistake this time and give users 2 x 90 class cards with the ability to use 48GB VRAM unless you buy A-series.
Yes I know the replies that will come now but I will not entertain them because logic and common sense has gone out of the window with this topic.
Yes I knew I would get that replyLol. You talk about logic and common sense and post that drivel. Are you new to graphics cards or something? 3070 was almost one third the price of a 2080 Ti was it not? How about a 1070? I remember people saying it would not be anywhere near Titan performance etc etc. The only time we got duds as I recall of recent was with Turing and we all know how well that sold… So yeah, I think I will stick to my expectations thank you very much![]()
Yes I knew I would get that reply.. Read my edit with more to read. My drivel is reality not you imaginary world you live in.
Go back to playing your video games mate and don't involve yourself in hardware aimed at a different market a pro market not gamers. See it's like me I love planes and flying, but I don't have eyes/budget to go buy an Airbus 380 to fly about in when really I should go buy a single engine Cessna, then buy a Cessna and realise oops this thing takes ages to get from A to B and get greedy and want an Airbus A380 and start harassing A380 owners and tell them hey your Airbus A380 is really only worth the cost of its tires and sell it to me for that.So examples I gave did not happen then? What was that, not reality?![]()
Go back to playing your video games mate and don't involve yourself in hardware aimed at a different market a pro market not gamers. See it's like me I love planes and flying, but I don't have eyes/budget to go buy an Airbus 380 to fly about in when really I should go buy a single engine Cessna, then buy a Cessna an realise oops this thing takes ages to get from A to B and get greedy and want a Airbus A380 and start harassing A380 owners and tell them hey your Airbus A380 is really only worth the cost of it's tires.
The forum has sank to pretty low level in recent weeks.
Hate to break it to you 3070 wasn't better than a 2080ti it was just sold that way by nvidia to you, reality is the 3070ti was closer to the 2080ti but still vram nerfed compared to the 11GB on the 2080ti that's why you are seeing benchmarks now with certain games where the 2080ti beats the 3070,3070ti by large margins because of the lack of VRAM. More of such titles coming soon the 3070/ti were also a disgrace planned obsolescence cards, the only card that should have had 8GB VRAM is the 3060 range but even that had 12GB and the Ti had same 8GB as the 3070 class... where the 70 class should have had 10GB really and all 3080s start from 12GB to 16GB..Lol. You talk about logic and common sense and post that drivel. Are you new to graphics cards or something? 3070 was almost one third the price of a 2080 Ti was it not? How about a 1070? I remember people saying it would not be anywhere near Titan performance etc etc. The only time we got duds as I recall of recent was with Turing and we all know how well that sold… So yeah, I think I will stick to my expectations thank you very much![]()
Hate to break it to you 3070 wasn't better than a 2080ti it was just sold that way by nvidia to you, reality is the 3070ti was closer to the 2080ti but still vram nerfed compared to the 11GB on the 2080ti that's why you are seeing benchmarks now with certain games where the 2080ti beats the 3070,3070ti by large margins because of the lack of VRAM. More of such titles coming soon the 3070/ti were also a disgrace planned obsolescence cards, the only card that should have had 8GB VRAM is the 3060 range but even that had 12GB and the Ti had same 8GB as the 3070 class... where the 70 class should have had 10GB really and all 3080s start from 12GB to 16GB..
Guess what 40 series is fixing it now because people like me highlighted that to people that went out and purchased planned obsolescence gpus, and you purchase 2 and even downgraded to a worse card because you scalped your 3080.. and used the profits to buy a 3070 fe again from one FE 3080 to a 3070 fe .. hummm I'm sure you were only allowed to buy one FE card ?... Knock it off really.
I can teach you more in a day about technology and the costs of it and how it has changed our world but you are busy fighting about video games and how to benefit from others losses ...
Game over...
Same old faces stirring trouble I see.
Lets see what the lowest SKU this year launches at and how much % increase it offers.
really? So what are they using instead?Less and less games are using dxr, unless nvidia fund them. Very niche and pointless
really? So what are they using instead?