Installing an ATI card is a piece of cake-
-uninstall your previous drivers
-run Driver Cleaner Pro in safe mode to remove any nvidia/ATI files (do this any time you switch between ATI and nvidia)
-install card
-download .net 1.1 or 2.0 from microsoft and install it
-download latest ATI drivers (the complete CCC package) for your OS from and install them
That's it, you don't need to mess with Omegas, you don't need to mess with ATI Tray Tool or ATI Tools. You only need to go down that route if you're not happy with CCC or you need to overclock beyond where CCC will allow.
-uninstall your previous drivers
-run Driver Cleaner Pro in safe mode to remove any nvidia/ATI files (do this any time you switch between ATI and nvidia)
-install card
-download .net 1.1 or 2.0 from microsoft and install it
-download latest ATI drivers (the complete CCC package) for your OS from and install them
That's it, you don't need to mess with Omegas, you don't need to mess with ATI Tray Tool or ATI Tools. You only need to go down that route if you're not happy with CCC or you need to overclock beyond where CCC will allow.