Anyone tried an undervolt/ overclock combined yet? I'm just starting today on my MSI Trio OC 5080. Initial impressions.........really good!
I was big into undervolting with the curve method in Afterburner on my 3090, but the technique I used before doesn't work properly on the 5080. I found this guy's vid regarding the 4090, and it seems to work perfectly on the 5080 too:
- My first aim is to try and achieve the same performance as stock (or slightly above) whilst using less volts, less power and ergo less heat production. So I'm running the curve at 0.9v with core at ~2.83 sustained clock, and ~1000mhz boost on the mem. Quick and dirty results for Steel Nomad in 3D Mark:
Stock: 83fps (with stock volts reading ~1.02, and power draw at ~350W)
First (conservative) custom curve: 86fps (with volts at fixed 0.9 and power draw at
only ~ 270W)
Not tested properly for stability etc yet, but it bodes really well and I'll set a number of profiles pushing more and more whilst keeping volts, power draw and temps as low as possible.
For those that haven't tried undervolting/ overclocking - why not? You get the same, or better(!) performance for much less power draw and lower temps. My case has pretty ****** airflow (it's a gorgeous and pretty expensive old Lian Li glass cube thing) so I kind of have to do this, but it's a no brainer for everyone to give it a go.