Didn't the latest Nvidia drivers fix the bug? https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/drivers/details/242141/@untitledshot First off let me apologise for earlier I was at work and it was busy so could not respond properly. This is not just a 5090 series issue but I had the same issues with a Msi suprim liquid 5080 and Msi gaming trio 5080.
So I have 3 monitors but I only actually use 2. My preferred method of connection is obviously displayport for the higher refresh rate. BUT because of the 5 series issue with display port I also connect with HDMI via my igpu to the same monitor not to mention my desktop hi fi amp has upscaling, HDMI support etc and I like to connect via HDMI and then to my monitor. All from one PC. My biggest issue far worse than the displayport bug is if I have to go into bios which I constantly need to do as I am always trying out different settings to get the most out of my PC. Trying to work out which input I need to go to is a nightmare. And if the bug triggers well I am just jack poop out of luck. So now as much as pains me to do this I switch to one monitor per PC.
I did have a workaround but then I found another annoying issue with dual monitor setups. My fans stop doesn't always fan stop. I know it will always stop when the monitors go to sleep. And it will do it when it is on the silent bios if it is idle kinda. But on the performance bios it does what the F it likes. I am sure a bios flash or heaven forbid Nvidia addresses the issue.
I had a similar display port issue with the 4090 but I found out if I whipped out the display port lead out when it was on I could get into bios via the igpu via HDMI.
Rather than waste any more time on this bug/annoyance I am just going to hook up all my PC's to all my monitors individually. I have too much tinkering to do with out being side swiped with Dog poop bug
Fixed General Bugs
- PC may boot to a black screen when connected via DisplayPort with certain monitors [5131002]