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Nvidia rumour to be launching new GTX 11 series without ray tracing

27 Jul 2015
5 Jan 2014
They have no reason to go any higher than a GTX1160.
I would say the GTX1180Ti will never be released, it would eat to much into there higher end sales.
18 Oct 2002
So they realise RTX is a total failure. Good.

Doubting they see it that way, they'd be the usual 30ish % upgrade that would be expected cards if not for the looney tunes pricing.

I just think this series is an experiment by nvidia to see how far they can push pricing before people tell them to FO.
28 Sep 2014
Pretty good move. Having a 2080 ti 'slim' will sell bucket loads.

I don't think a 2080 Ti 'slim' without RT and Tensor cores is a good move.

I tracked RTX sales figures on a german retailer site, 2440 RTX 2070s was sold since launched back in October 2018, 3230 RTX 2080s and 280 RTX 2080 Tis was sold since launched in September 2018. It is surprised people was happy to pay more for RTX 2080 which was the most popular GPU with total units sold than RTX 2070. It really incredible that both RTX 2080 and RTX 2070 was massively outsold Vega 56 and Vega 64 in first 3 months after launch.

It will be very interesting to see RTX 2060 sales figures a few days after launch and 3 months after launch finding out which is the most popular VRAM with 3GB GDDR5X, 3GB GDDR6, 4GB GDDR5X, 4GB GDDR6, 6GB GDDR5X and 6GB GDDR6. Lots of choice for consumers.
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6 Feb 2010
I tracked RTX sales figures on a german retailer site, 2440 RTX 2070s was sold since launched back in October 2018, 3230 RTX 2080s and 280 RTX 2080 Tis was sold since launched in September 2018. It is surprised people was happy to pay more for RTX 2080 which was the most popular GPU with total units sold than RTX 2070. It really incredible that both RTX 2080 and RTX 2070 was massively outsold Vega 56 and Vega 64 in first 3 months after launch.
It's just the same as majority of iPhone users won't consider buy Samsung phones, or Macbook users won't consider buying laptop, no matter how good value and bang for bucks the alternative is.

But to be fair, I think it is also to do with AMD still failing to hitting the proper target for gaming at 4K at 60fps max settings. With my overclocked Vega64, it is still only manage about 40-60fps medium setting at 4K HDR on Monster Hunter World. To hit the target consistance 60fps+ with higher settings, a graphic card of 1080ti or above would be required.

Not going to lie, looking back now the 1080ti is a incredible bang for bucks of a graphic card, and comparing the 2080 performance and pricing to it, the latter like a absolute insult and a terrible joke- but it doesn't stop it from flying off the shelf.
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20 Apr 2007
Keeping an eye on this one, wonder if it will make a decent step up on my exceptionally noisy and hot running 1060 3gb.

Price depending of course, this year has been shocking for value.
27 Jul 2015
Nvidia is in trouble, after a spectacular fall in profits and its share value. In fact the problems are so bad the company is the worst performing in Standard & Poors 500, they are also being sued by shareholders in a class action https://cointelegraph.com/news/nvid...ver-losses-after-diminished-mining-gpu-demand A quick fix, and as others have commented might well be a lower spec high performing card without the fancy bells and whistles which most gamers neither want nor need.

The article claims that NVidia hsa moved from profit to a loss making situation, and it needs to get out of that, or at least show it has some plans of how that might be achieved. A new line of pared down cheaper GTX cards might just be the way to do that.
17 May 2011
I can see it on the lower-mid end but I can't see them cutting into the 2080 and 2080ti sales, especially since the past release was primarily to push raytracing which they'll be focusing on heavily and are already pushing for developers to use heavily.
10 Apr 2013
Seems like a logical response. I wonder if they're afraid at the prospect of the next ps5/xbox2 eating into sales as well a since they'll likely be out towards the end of next year or sometime in 2020.

Given the current pricing of RTX cards I can see a lot of gamers abandoning the PC market in favour of much cheaper, and increasingly equally capable, consoles. When you look at what high and consoles like the Xbox X and PS4 pro are capable of I'm finding it very hard to make a case for spending thousands on PC hardware.

That's also before you start wondering whether game streaming takes off as well which could negate the need for high end hardware.....
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6 Feb 2010
Nvidia is in trouble, after a spectacular fall in profits and its share value. In fact the problems are so bad the company is the worst performing in Standard & Poors 500, they are also being sued by shareholders in a class action https://cointelegraph.com/news/nvid...ver-losses-after-diminished-mining-gpu-demand A quick fix, and as others have commented might well be a lower spec high performing card without the fancy bells and whistles which most gamers neither want nor need.

The article claims that NVidia hsa moved from profit to a loss making situation, and it needs to get out of that, or at least show it has some plans of how that might be achieved. A new line of pared down cheaper GTX cards might just be the way to do that.
As much as I don't agree with some of Nvidia's decisions or business practices, I think the shareholders trying to sue Nvidia with a class-action lawsuit is a freak-en joke.

Investment comes with risk of losing money hello!!!??? Stop being bunch of entitled self-important immature kids throwing a tantrums.
27 Jul 2015
As much as I don't agree with some of Nvidia's decisions or business practices, I think the shareholders trying to sue Nvidia with a class-action lawsuit is a freak-en joke.

Investment comes with risk of losing money hello!!!??? Stop being bunch of entitled self-important immature kids throwing a tantrums.

If you read the article there is a claim NVidia misled them. Clearly investment comes with a risk and a lawsuit based solely on that could never succeed, however Nvidia “touted its ability to monitor the cryptocurrency market and make rapid changes to its business as necessary.” they also said “Any drop off in demand for its GPUs amongst cryptocurrency miners would not negatively impact the Company’s business because of strong demand for GPUs from the gaming market.”

If you tell your investors that your company is not going to be affected by certain market conditions, and it then transpires you are the most heavily affected out of all companies, there is clearly a case to answer.
10 Apr 2013
Both the main consoles companies MS and Sony are using their competitor AMDs tech and are likely to use it for their next generation as well.

People are increasingly looking towards ARM based mobile devices and not x86/Nvidia GPU based products. Apple is increasingly busy manufacturing it's own CPU/GPUs. Intel's onboard graphics are now "good enough" for everyone other than a very small niche.

In the face of this Nvidia is had been hiking prices year on year to the point where its flagship GPU cards now cost nearly four figures.

It just strikes me that things aren't looking particularly rosy for Nvidia?
4 Apr 2011
I don't think a 2080 Ti 'slim' without RT and Tensor cores is a good move.

I tracked RTX sales figures on a german retailer site, 2440 RTX 2070s was sold since launched back in October 2018, 3230 RTX 2080s and 280 RTX 2080 Tis was sold since launched in September 2018. It is surprised people was happy to pay more for RTX 2080 which was the most popular GPU with total units sold than RTX 2070. It really incredible that both RTX 2080 and RTX 2070 was massively outsold Vega 56 and Vega 64 in first 3 months after launch.

It will be very interesting to see RTX 2060 sales figures a few days after launch and 3 months after launch finding out which is the most popular VRAM with 3GB GDDR5X, 3GB GDDR6, 4GB GDDR5X, 4GB GDDR6, 6GB GDDR5X and 6GB GDDR6. Lots of choice for consumers.

How many cards were in stock compared to how many sold?
1 Aug 2017
Haha. ******* hilarious.

The RTX brand is dog ****.

The launch and prices were a joke, plus the tech is very immature for what they were trying to sell.

As for prices, these cards should never reach over £300/400.
20 Apr 2007
The launch and prices were a joke, plus the tech is very immature for what they were trying to sell.

Unfortunatly the pre-order numpties sent a loud and clear message to Nvidia: 'Charge what you want and make as many unproven performance claims you can think of!' In doing so setting the precendant that Nvidia can massively over inflate prices and screwing the rest of us over.

So a thank you to that lot, as well as a thank you to the mining farms that Nvidia 'supposedly' did direct trade with and a thank you to AMD for just not bothering anymore.
27 Mar 2006
RTX fail. Why ? Stupidly high prices for features that offer nothing really except a massive performance hit. Anyone with salts at Nvidia should have realised the general public wouldn't fall for Ray tracing and its price hikes. Hateful Nvidia tbh.
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