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Nvidia Underfunding Gaming Software Team Rumours

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Hyperbolic twitter!?

Because last I looked 4090 <> 7900 XTX were already very close - within 5% or so at 4K.

Even an across the board +12% increase will hardly lead the one or the other "smashing", "annihilating", or any such over the top wording. They two cards were and are so close that most people can only tell them apart by the a benchmarks.

That is, previously when the XTX was ahead by all of 3% or so, none of those sensational words applied. And even with a 12% gain the other way, they do not apply.
Hyperbolic twitter!?

Because last I looked 4090 <> 7900 XTX were already very close - within 5% or so at 4K.

Even an across the board +12% increase will hardly lead the one or the other "smashing", "annihilating", or any such over the top wording. They two cards were and are so close that most people can only tell them apart by the a benchmarks.

That is, previously when the XTX was ahead by all of 3% or so, none of those sensational words applied. And even with a 12% gain the other way, they do not apply.

There's a guy posting in that thread with the tag "AMDevestator", that child's got issues.
How'd I know :cry: . Ive only seen him in one vid, by the end I was hugely irritated with how he got on, it's like he's doing an audition with Baldricks slug balancing on his top lip.

Hahahahahahaha :cry:

There's a guy posting in that thread with the tag "AMDevestator", that child's got issues.

It's like those extreme fanboys/fangirls who have Intel/Nvidia/AMD somewhere in their name and will jump to the defense of their beloved company.

When I was on Facebook there was this guy called Omar that you would see on EVERY AMD and Nvidia post from Tweaktown, AMD, Nvidia, OC3D, Extremetech etc... you name the page and he'd be there kissing Jenses gooch and trying to rip into AMD, Was hilarious albeit a little pathetic.
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Hahahahahahaha :cry:

It's like those extreme fanboys/fangirls who have Intel/Nvidia/AMD somewhere in their name and will jump to the defense of their beloved company.

When I was on Facebook there was this guy called Omar that you would see on EVERY AMD and Nvidia post from Tweaktown, AMD, Nvidia, OC3D, Extremetech etc... you name the page and he'd be there kissing Jenses gooch and trying to rip into AMD, Was hilarious albeit a little pathetic.

It's like the nvidia focus group reps on cocaine, some of these people are clearly unhinged.
Hyperbolic twitter!?

Because last I looked 4090 <> 7900 XTX were already very close - within 5% or so at 4K.

Even an across the board +12% increase will hardly lead the one or the other "smashing", "annihilating", or any such over the top wording. They two cards were and are so close that most people can only tell them apart by the a benchmarks.

That is, previously when the XTX was ahead by all of 3% or so, none of those sensational words applied. And even with a 12% gain the other way, they do not apply.
Yeah, well, it's Frame Chasers. The guy spends much of his time trying to convince the world that AMD's CPUs and GPUs are garbage and accusing every other tech channel of being paid shills. He's unhinged. I wouldn't be surprised if he's the guy behind Userbenchmark.
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