SLI support was poor before the first patch also.
Also whilst on the subject AC4 has stuttering issues under SLi. Not sure who to complain to about that one though.
Edit: eyetrip, lol.
God damn it, need someone to point fingers at!
Have you tried playing it since on crossfire? Also SLI support seemed fine according to Guru3d.
Unless im mistaken AC4 was created by Ubisoft, wasn't it? Stuttering is common on their games. See Farcry 3 for reference. Nothing to do with this though.
I've not played this game (AC4) on crossfire so cannot comment, just like you've not played Ghosts on crossfire, or batman or any GameWorks titles for that matter.
Using the same settings that show a 770 to be faster than a 290X with FXAA.
Its perfectly normal. Just like a 660 being faster than a 7950. Nothing to see here. Its perfectly normal for Nvidia to be able to optimize but at the same time block AMD and dev cooperation (if it exists - not in the case of WB) from providing key optimisations for AMD. Perfectly normal. The GameWorks effect.
Batman AO SLi performance not up to scratch either. No to imply that makes Crossfire performance acceptable, but it was both vendors with technical difficulties when the game was launched.
AO is just a very poor example, it's buggy. As has been said already multiple times, where exactly is the line drawn.
SO Nvidia were able to optimise performance after launch and bring it up to scratch with the developer? Strange that AMD could not do that in full. Mind you, even if the dev was willing nothing could have been done to optimise the parts in question.
AMD is no longer in control of its own performance. While GameWorks doesn’t technically lock vendors into Nvidia solutions, a developer that wanted to support both companies equally would have to work with AMD and Nvidia from the beginning of the development cycle to create a vendor-specific code path. It’s impossible for AMD to provide a quick after-launch fix.
This kind of maneuver ultimately hurts developers in the guise of helping them. Even if the developers at Ubisoft or WB Montreal wanted to help AMD improve its performance, they can’t.
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