Obi Wan Kenobi (Disney+)

So far so good.

A bit silly. Eopies are herbivores and most certainly don't eat giant kimogila/krayt dragon.

Black sister is lol too emo.
Oh jeez 2nd episode writing and editing is turd. Might of over estimated this lol
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The 2nd episode "begging 501st clone trooper" was probably the best bit of the 2nd episode tbh. Very sad.
intro was awesome, but as a 1st ep it wasnt half bad tbh quite enjoyed, the 2 storylines running alongside each other will taking getting used too, im sure thats not a spoiler. looking forward to ep 2
I won’t care if it’s terrible if they have Jar Jar ******* Binks being tortured to death in the first episode.
I've watched both episodes and they were alright. I'll carry on with them.

Bear in mind, I've not seen the prequel films since they were first released and the first two were so awful that I didn't bother with the third.

As a casual Star Wars viewer, that recap was utterly incomprehensible.

Was that Vader at the end?
I enjoyed bits of it, for what it is it wasn't as bad as expected it to be.
Leia's character in ep2 is personified as a cartoon caricature of the fearless little princess heroine and to me was just lathered up to maximum levels of Mickey Mouse Star Wars. Other then that it was "okay", The pilot episode was much better.
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Pretty great so far. Much closer linked to the prequels then I thought, from the trailers. The recap of the prequels did give me some nostalgic goosebumps as it's been a while since I last saw them. The cameo possibilities are endless and I think the recap alone hinted at 1 possibly awesome Cameo. Noticed at least 3 or 4 actors from the prequels in these 2 episodes alone.

It already has much more of a movie vibe than the other D+ star wars shows. Episode 3.5 would be better title for the show :)

There is a real problem at Lucasfilm and Disney in hiring talented writers when it comes to Star Wars. Without Ewan McGregor, I wouldn't be able to keep watching it. The weird out of place humour, the bad editing and wobbly script.

If the Grand Inquisitor doesn't come back soon and sort that girl out, I don't think I can watch it. I don't care whether Vader turns up or not, the story needs a stand-out antagonist that isn't invulnerable (a legacy character) but has Star Wars badguy appeal and mystery. Angry girl isn't that. We never even got to see him do anything. Sigh...
a good watch, but being star wars that ties into the original films will always going to be a winner!
The only downside was Leia, the capture/on the run scenes felt a bit cheap, no 10yr old is going to make a fool out of hardened criminals like that, they could have cut that out and it would have been better. One for the young/spykids audience maybe
and the3rd sister, mary sue incoming no doubt"
There is a real problem at Lucasfilm and Disney in hiring talented writers when it comes to Star Wars. Without Ewan McGregor, I wouldn't be able to keep watching it. The weird out of place humour, the bad editing and wobbly script.

If the Grand Inquisitor doesn't come back soon and sort that girl out, I don't think I can watch it. I don't care whether Vader turns up or not, the story needs a stand-out antagonist that isn't invulnerable (a legacy character) but has Star Wars badguy appeal and mystery. Angry girl isn't that. We never even got to see him do anything. Sigh...
I just don't get any feeling of menace or danger from the Sister. And Leia isn't great either. It feels like the Writers and Scriptwriters have never actually met a ten year old girl. She's clearly younger than that, 7 or 8 it feels like.
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